No hay to Cruz Azul and Hugo Sánchez

No hay! Hugo Sánchez geen llegará a Cruz Azul… for now. The cement club has not given in to the distinctions of the Mexican trainer’s petitions and the negotiations concluded terminated without a consensus between the parties.

The astro mexican demands two years of contract, the salute of Oscar Pérez of the technical team, and total maneuvering in the separation of the new sheets. This situation is such that since the club replenished Hugo’s candidacy for the bank and he was ashamed of the other options he proposed Jaime Ordiales.

In the last few days, the contacts between the executor and the directives will be deleted. the intention was to make the announcement of the Timonel Legacy before December 31st; without embarrassment, disagreements between Hugol’s pedigrees and the offer made by La Máquina, he would have ‘to the point of death’ the conversations he had paused.

Here is the information in the journada de ayer el periodista Carlos Córdova, asiduo en el devenir de cementos, quien recalcó que Cruz Azul ne cedio en ninguno von la doten que exigio Sánchez para su llegada al banquillo. “There is no agreement with Hugo Sánchez. CruzAzul will not cede to the pretensions of Pentapichichi.”, posted on Twitter.

This new panorama hecho that reactivates the options that are in the collection: Alfonso Sosa y Juan Reynoso. The first is the overall preference of the sporting director, and he does not have any complications in his attempt to appear ‘light green’ for his record; and in the second case, the economic theme is the ultimate difficulty in solving the Peruvian strategist strategy in La Noria.
