No hay possible for the juicio ‘justo’ antes that Trump deje el cargo, asegura líder del Senado de EEUU

Washington, United States

El Senado de Estados Unidos can not deliver a political justification “just or seriously” to President Donald Trump in the days that remain before the cargo, dijo Mitch McConnell, Republican Leader el merercoles.

“Agreed with the rules, Procedures and Precedents in the Senate that gobiernan the political juicio, simply has no probability that a juicio just or serio can end antes that the electo president Joe Biden jure the cargo the next week “, McConnell manifested in a communiqué.

Trump blamed the mercenaries on the House of Representatives and would someday seek political justice in the Senate.

LEA: Donald Trump, First President of the EUEU to be enjiciado dos veces por el Congreso

But “including the commencement process this week and moving quickly, there is no justification that the president has given up the cargo,” McConnell said, adding that he would not call the extraordinary session until January 19, when it was announced that el Senado vuelva a sesionar.

More temper, the president of the EE.UU Chamber of Commerce., the Democrat Nancy Pelosi, assured that Donald Trump “should go” and that it is “a clear and present duty” for the country, in the discussion prevailed on the vote of a new political juice against the mandate, accusing of “incitement to the insurrection “.
