No definitions las citas medics clave durante la pandemia, dice experta medica

(CNN) – How many people respond to the medical attention needed to prevent the pandemic, to the medical professionals who care that their patients are locked up including other causes.

A 25% of estadounidenses dijeron que ellos o alguien en su hogar habían retrasado la’edicion attenica en el ultimo mes debido al coronavirus, segun un desstudio de dcember of Kaiser Family Foundation An inside information from the Centers for Control and Prevention of Infants of EE.UU. (CDC, by its seals in English) found that 41% of stadium residents recovered medical attention, including 12% who had emergency or emergency care.

Hablamos con la Dra. Leana Wen, CNN Medical Analyst, Emergency Medicine and Visiting Professor at the School of Public Health at the Milken Institute of the George Washington University, to obtain her advice on which citations can be posed and quoted, and which precautions should be taken when vayan to his doctor.

CNN: Why do some people respond to their medical attention? Is this a problem?

Wear. Leana Wen: Apparently I understand what some people did when he mentioned his medical advice. In many parts of the world and everywhere, there are many levels of propagation of the new coronavirus. The people can be preoccupied with countering coronavirus when salen. In addition, some hospitalized patients with covid-19 had elective surgeries and some medicines included and canceled routine referrals. It is possible that patients did not terminate the augmentation of the new coronavirus at all times and their citations could be renewed.

This could be a problem. I am concerned that many patients are concerned about the need for their current medical issues, because it is important that people communicate with their physicians. Many affections require continuous monitoring, such as high arterial pressure, diabetes in the cardiac pathways. If you are not in control of it, you can avoid it and deal with other problems that you may have avoided. It’s not good that the nines are atlases in their vacation calendars. Those people who do not take sleep cancer screening exams will have a posterior diagnosis and results. It’s important to keep in mind when using routine medical advice.

Morir en soledad, la cara más oscura de la pandemia 4:55

CNN: How can people decide if they can post a quote?

Win: Here are some things to consider. Is there any alternative in person? Many medical consultants offer attention and distance as an option. It is possible that you can talk to your doctor without hesitation and consult a physician. It is possible to do much virtually. For example, you can check your arterial pressure or suction at home and inform your doctor what to find, and you can adjust your medications and other treatments by phone or a virtual quote. Many mental health visits can be done completely through distancing attention.

If there are things that people do in person, they can combine visits. He was taking a seno exam, analyzing blood and a vaccine against neonemia. You can do everything at the same time. Reduce your general risk if you can have less visits.

You can live in a part of the world that is currently having a particularly difficult time with the coronavirus. If this is the case, then with your doctor about what it is essential to do now in front of the important things that podrian can hope for a few months. For each person, this powder will be different. It is possible that many people need to try to detect a cardiac infection now, but this person will have to hope that he has a colonoscopy that can be performed when the contagions begin. Another person could have previous colon cancer and colonoscopy should not be retrieved. It’s a good idea to start these conversations with your doctor now.

CNN: ¿Hi visits to medical procedure that no deberían posponerse?

Win: It depends on each individual and their own medical conditions, as well as their tolerance for risk. In general, it states that infant vacancies and other routine vacancies as the vaccine against the flu should not be disposed of. Tampoco has to deal with the treatment of affections that podrian can inflict on life.

However, we can say that this is enough: We will not wait for the emergence. If you suffer from bad luck, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath in braces or piercings and other similar symptoms, make sure to visit the emergency room of your local hospital. Normally hubi idos to the emergency room are not driven by the coronavirus, and to the emergency room now. Emergency rooms of hospitals have triage protocols and also infection control protocols. No dudes in acudir if need attention emergence. A tragic series in which evacuees go to emergency rooms to prevent coronavirus infestation, only to die at home.

Recall also that covid-19 causes a more serious illness in people with subliminal medical affections. Treat and optimize these affective disorders should be a priority in their own right, but on the other hand, patients can predispose to effects with more severe covid-19. This is another reason to seek medical attention including a large amount of coronavirus.

New record of hospitalizations in EE.UU. por covid-19 0:27

CNN: What precautions should be taken by the people consulted by their doctors?

Win: Debes will ask beforehand what procedures the medical consultant has. Many places have multiple protocols that require mascarillas and physical distance; require control inspections by adelantado; no permits otros visitors; and strengthen physical distance.

Ask what succeeds when entering. How does the hope work? Ideally, the time in the hopeful age is in a closed space with other people will be the most brief. Some medical supplies that you hope to have in your car or vehicle will be listed for attendance, and will be readily available at an examination room. Others have hopes that they will improve the physical distance and good ventilation.

Make sure you have a good quality mascara for the time being, at least a quirurgical mascara of three sizes or a N95 or KN95 mascara. It is your duty to water, but you must not forget the mask, but it is absolutely necessary. The consultants need to have a lot of disinfectant for the hands, but the team and usu have been able to touch the surface of our frequent use, as well as puzzles.

También pregunta if the visit in person is absolutely necessary. Can you do much by phone, including talking to your doctor? Quizas are all that you have to do when presenting an extraction of a song or a procedure. Can you register with anticipation to minimize contact in person?

CNN: What do you say to the people who prefer to hope to have a cure before going to the doctor?

Win: This may be a reasonable decision, depending on the reason why you go to the doctor and the time you have to wait to be vaccinated.

We know that we do not have any emergencies at this time, and we can conclude that all cases are resolved through medical attention at a distance. All quizzes show that necessity is a routine dental limb and your annual cholesterol control. We also know that he is an essential worker, he is 65 years old and can probably receive the vaccine in the next months. If this is the case then maybe your doctor should know what to do next.

If it is not probable that the vacancies will be final before the first principles of the vernacular, it will be a long time to post regular quotes. Probably a factor as to why they’re doing so poorly in the future.

In general, if you have medical conditions in the course that require a visit in person, and certainly if you have an urgent problem, you need to go to the doctor. Follow all the precautions to reduce the risk. Coronavirus is one of the reasons why people can nurse and overcome health problems, but also need to take care of their health in all aspects.
