NL Health Secretariat from Luz verde to Tigers to travel to Qatar

Monterrey, NL /

El World Cup in Qatar is happening and the pandemic continues giving numbers with many touches in Nuevo León, for what la Health Secretariat in the state has paid for citizenship not to travel.

Prohibition of probes, a Tigs le dan luz verde to transfer to Qatar, where to play world certificate from 4 to 11 February.

Manuel de la O. Cavazos, Secretary of Health in NL, only foot to the Tigers have excellence in sanitary mediators, the cual subrayo lo han hecho has the moment.

“Informed that he had talks with the director of the club’s medical corps, noting that the media to travel to Qatar are adequate on the part of the team, and in addition, by protocol, in its regression to the city, all team members must continue to be observed to download contagios “.

“Congratulations to my Tigres team, they have an excellence sanitation protocol, they have to travel, although they require a lot of requisites, between them make the PCR test, take all the protection media, play it and play it. of equal regression, if the hares are tested, they are maintained during observation and then integrally integrated, the objective is that it is not contagious ”, says the doctor and functionary.
