Niurka arremete en contra de Frida Sofía, pero ella no se queda callada y envia fuerte mensaje

Niurka arremete en contra de Frida Sofía, pero ella no se queda callada y envia fuerte mensaje

Niurka Marcos.

Photo: Archivo / Agencia Reforma

Through the polemic statements of Frida Sofia he hurried opinions found by users of social media and some famous, tal is the case of Niurka, which with its characteristic style is fixed against the heat of Alejandra Guzmán.

A meeting was held with the media of communication, in which the Vedete shared his opinion in accordance with the recent statements of Frida Sofia, in donde intentionó verdediger a Enrique Guzmán, pero terminó lanzando varias ofensas.

All those people who say: ‘Yo sí le creo’, pues claro, cómo no vas a senir que le crees si ya esta feo el viejo. If you are a gay man and a guy, he says: ‘I love him because he has a guy who’s a guy’, but as he passed his train“, Dijo la cubana ante la camera de El Gordo y La Flaca.

Además, pidió demonstrates the first accusations made during the interview with Gustavo Adolfo Infante: “Necesitan pruebas para demontrar, eso no es nada más ir y decirlo, porque hooi muchas personas en la carcel que son inocentes por m *** como esta“, Agregó enfurecida.

Finally, I would like to give you some advice on how to Silvia Pinal, to whom the warning that the person using the logarithm will disrupt the career of his mother and his abuelo.

Hablen in private and very bad niece Frida, very bad to be venting to public opinion. Synthesis with his mother and day to haunt so much pornography“. sentence.

Frida Sofia responds to Niurka

Prohibition of probes, Frida Sofia has not posted any comments on this page yet, you can see the comments on the Instagram account. Niurka, asegurando no le tiene miedo a ella ni a sus brujerías.

It was old enough to be famous for its beauty. It is a matter of moral courage and it is clear to them that they are harassing me because of what they are doing.“, Escribió.

Aggregating that she goes for a divine protection, because a person like her can make me do that. For the first time accusations were not made here, the 29-year-old influencer made sure that the media would only go to the “scandalous woman” to see if she and the pretentious finalist were harmed if she was abused.

¿Y si tu hija te dijera lo mismo? ¿Bailas?“, Score in the publication that has been retrieved by other users of the social network.
