Ninel Conde unleashes another virtual audience in his case

An exclusive interview for the program ‘Ventaneando’, Giovanni Medina revealed that March 12th Ninel Conde evadi a more audience in the case that both enfrentan by his pequeño hijo. For his part, Ninel decided to do everything in the power of divine justice.

Following Giovanni’s information, he and his team of lawyers applied for a conciliation hearing to read an agreement with the singer and actress.

Sinembargo, Ninel dropped the virtual encounter as he tackled the theme of the convivencias con su hijo menor, a quien tiene poco más de un año sin poder ver.

For his own sake, Medina confessed to Ninel that he had a load of compromises with his spouse Larry Ramos and wait for the case of his hij, which should be his priority. And so, on March 12, the chanting haberdasher was in Houston, Texas, with a group of friends and no, in the virtual audience of his niece.

Giovanni counts the details.

On the other hand, in a meeting with the communication media Ninel made it clear that the theme of his honor he had given in manus of the justicia divina by its religious denominations.
