Ninel Conde recovers his love affair with Gustavo Matta while recovering from a recent illness

In October 2020, Ninel Conde caused a huge uproar to realize his recent death with Larry Ramos and between the details, he said that the series designer Gustavo Matta, which elaborates on its precision noviti vestia, without embarrassment, from the last moment, the song decides to leave a vestido del designer Benito Santos to surprise everyone, including, the same Gustavo, who is disgust with it on this theme.

Probe ban, Matta insures that reconciled with Ninel when you want to talk about the theme, “On the next day of the meeting we found in Acapulco… and the two days, we smoke to dine at a beautiful restaurant here and there platicamos y ya quedamos (bien). If it is part of what it wants, does it mean what it has done, and well, what it says, friends always have what it wants and what do they have to do with it? Ni modo, son cosas que pasan y hay que entenderlas, que lastiman, by supuesto que lastiman pero bueno, ni modo, comment.

Además, signaled that tras published some days in the stories that he signaled to the Ninel of ‘burlarse’ of the ‘victims’ of Larry Ramos, to mention that he comed the payer ‘los fondos’, the designer spoke about the theme and said: ‘Soy burlar cape of some who have been the victim of a criminal act, the scandal between Ninel and you were by one foundations of a vestibule that at the end of the day, because she cancels me (the body), because she is not responsible. Ella me dijo: ‘ya no hay que hacerlo’ pero I had an early date, explicit.

gustavo matta ninel conde amistad vestido larry ramos fraude

The designer Gustavo Matta also account what you know about Ninel Conde’s work, Larry Ramos. In an interview with the program ‘De Primera Mano’, the friend of ‘Bombón Assesino’ said that he did not have a love affair with the Colombian accused of fraud.

Gustavo Matta’s words about Ninel and Larry were:

No I am amigo, for nothing, nee, for nothing, nee. I have contact with him, no connection or on the phone, no one is there, no one else, no one. Ninel presented it to me as his subject, but no es mi amigo como lo fue Juan Zepeda pero nee, para nada ”, the designer’s response to the Addis’ question about Ninel’s promise was true.

gustavo matta ninel conde amistad vestido larry ramos fraude

Ultimately, Gustavo responded to the question about the probability that Ninel would make a possible ‘complicity’ by Larry af sus bedrieërs, por lo que fue sincero y dijo: “I believe that Ninel is very happy to move, so he decided to do something… to be protected. She is an intelligent woman, keep your money, lo cuida, entonces no creo que ningonom moment vaya a estar involucrada de alguna manera … en alguna relacion con su esposo, ¿me entiendes? She is very happy, she dice that I love deeply, y le creo. Hay veces que love we have come to come to certain places which we do not hold in mind ”, finalized.
