Nine migrants will stay around 107 hours in no-homes

(CNN) –– Miles of nine migrants crossing the border between the United States and Mexico are being held by the Patrulla Fronteriza for more than four days in the media, among other facilities for minors, including internal documents revised by CNN. The number represents a drastic increase with respect to a week, according to the records.

The dates, with the end of March, are the most recent signal of the challenge facing Biden’s governor with respect to immigration. Specifically, the right to override the bottleneck in the system, while maintaining the number of nines not accompanied by the availability of an adequate refuge space for the sick.

During the last 21 days, the Office of the Aduanas and Fronteriza Protection (CBP, for its sailings in English) passed away on 435 days without any accompanying companions. This comparison is an anterior premise of approximately 340 minorities.

The permanent migrant nests in the installations a reward of 107 hours. That surpasses the place of the 72 permits by the EE.UU. One week ago, the release time was 77 hours.

Roberta Jacobson, coordinator of the Biden governing body on the front line, insists that this is not the time to go to the United States. A message that the administration sent earlier.

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“It’s really important that the people in Hagan take the first easy journey. Also, the alternatives we propose to make this journey, because the route is not safe », said Jacobson at a press conference. “And yet, yes, I know this, why it’s something known as a message that really matters. Because the perception does not coincide with the reality in terms that the front is not open », added.

An infinity of previous reasons explains the recent increase in the number of children on the front lines between the United States and Mexico. Among these motives may be the dramatic cost of the Latin American pandemic. A region where economies have been creating projects are on their side. These are the effects of the devastating hurricanes that are affecting the region. And, moreover, a perception of greater flexibility under the Biden administration.

For the general, after giving up on the guardianship of the Patrol Fronteriza, the nine unaccompanied minors were placed in a place of 72 hours at the Department of Health and Human Services. This entity takes care of the care of the migrant children, exceptional salvage duties.

Once upon a time there were many, the case managers working to teach the nines to a patron. Es decir, un padre o un familiar que esté en EE.UU. However, due to the pandemic and the precautions to avoid the propagation of covid-19, the department can only use one more of the number of beds that it has for children.

Jacobson could not indicate what the governor was doing at the time to resolve the issue with respect to the unaccompanied minors.

“I’m part of this center a lot more than we are waiting for the end of this process in Central America and Mexico. “We believe that all of us, at each stage of this process, are very likely to be assured that our nests are well maintained and are being installed and installed,” he said.

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Kaitlan Collins, of CNN, described a Jacobson en la rueda de prensa that describes the aumento de niños migrantes como una crisis. Sondeverbod, she does not qualify for this manner.

«Geen estoy tatando de serable aqui. Pero creo que el hecho es que tenemos que hacer lo que debemos, Independientemente de cóme se catalog de situaion », dijo. It also states that it has “urgency, from the president’s point of view to regulate our system”.

Jacobson added that the increase in immigrants who intend to go to the United States is the answer to a “significant hope of a more humane policy”.

«Hemos visto estos aumentos antes. Los aumentos tienden a responder a la esperanza. “I have a significant hope for a more humane policy after four years, and I have a demand for reprimand,” said Jacobson.

“I do not know if it is a coincidence. However, it certainly seems that the idea of ​​implementing a more humane policy could have led the people to take that decision. However, the most important quizzes are that definitely led the contrabandists to express this information to extend information about what is now possible, “he concluded.

Devan Cole and Betsy Klein, los dos de CNN, make a contribution.
