Nina Rubín has given up her first job as a TV presenter and has come a long way

The most desperate moment is approaching Nina Rubín, it will be the next April 18 when production in which to participate will be suspended, titled Te Acuerdas de Mí, consolidating as well as its debut as a telenovelas actress. Specifically, I would like to thank you for this project that the young man will assume important reasons, such as the hecho of living his first novelty in the fiction y, by which, the opportunity to give his first visit, so that finally he was correct and that he had done documented in the chapters that almost saldrán to air. Respectfully, it is less than Andrea Legarreta ha narrado cómo vivió este instant, para el cual se preparo com alla una professioneel, dando masters de grand talent que corre sus venas.



With all sincerity, Nina had a hard time getting the day before she grabbed the stage of her first kiss, interpreting the paper of Fabi, who in the telenovela is the news of the actor Alessio Valentini, that from life to Edy. ‘The chistoso is that in reality only he has been new, and haciendo este persona ya tocó el primer beso … Tengo que admitir que cuando pas, sí staba muy nerviosa …”, Dijo in an interview with Maxine Woodside’s radio program, All for Women. It is true that with a lot of dedication and support from his family, he also has Erik Rubín has been able to abort at the moment of his life, in which he is very enthusiastic about what is to come.

To hail from the stage of the first visit, Nina also revealed how he came to his mother at that moment, who has always been in his party for years and gave the best advice, even though he had already clarified the length of these months, in the which juntas han concedido algunas interviewed. ‘I’m creo who’s more nervous than you are… If there are some (scenes) that are very complicated or that involve a lot of emotional emotions like sadness or envy, be it platic with my mom, and she gives me advice… ”, explained the young man, who recently celebrated his number 14, cobijada por todo el amor de sus seres queridos.


Pesar de haberse can be nervous during the grabacion, Nina revealed how much he wanted the scene, what he could do to be thanked for his professionalism and the chemistry he had with his partner, even though he was essential to the whole process. “The scene is very beautiful, the world. Ya hemos hecho varias así porque la historia es muy bonita, muy entrañable, quedó muy bien y al hacer esa actuación me divertí… ”, dijo, para luego hablar de cómo es Alessio. “The world is what it’s a very good one, very good, it’s one of my best friends and ours we live very well … ”, dijo al espacio antes citado.

What does Nina look like for Fabi?

A few months ago Fabi, Nina has been able to find various aspects of his character with the ones he identifies with, as well as those he has briefly mentioned in recent reviews. “My relationship with much Fabi porke hooi cosas que digo ‘sí, nee’. It’s like intelligence and it’s savory, and it’s funny. I believe I have much to do with him Fabi, pero hooi cosas que dentro del amor con Edy, que como yo nee hy vivido (not identifying me). There are some skei in las que digo como ‘Fabi lo ama’ pero yo digo ‘seguro yo ya lo tendría que dejar’. So it’s my father, who lives a story and in my case has not lived many things that he is living and is a very emotional experience for me… ”, dijo para the program of spectacles Cuéntamelo Ya!

