(CNN) – Chicago police have been searching for what happened to a car belonging to the latter, causing the death of Jaslyn Adams, 7 years old, in the east of the city.
Jaslyn Adams and her father, of 29 years, are in the drive-thru car of a McDonald’s when some money disappears against his coach, the family members of WBBM, affiliated with CNN.

Jaslyn Adams was 7 years old.
A police vehicle that was found in the back of the house was transferred to a hospital, according to Chicago Police Officer Sally Brown. She received multiple discharges and was pronounced dead at the hospital.
The man received a concussion in the torso and was hospitalized in a serious condition, said Brown.
No Chicago has a ningún sospechoso por este tiroteo.
“I’m very emotional for my family”, says Jaslyn, Tawny McMullen,’n WBBM.
“She was simply … sweet and extroverted. Realmente habladora, realmente skattig », recording.
McMullen says it is devastating that a regular father and wife travel to McDonald’s will meet with its sovereign recipients.
«Por favor, bajen las armas», dijo.
«Our hijos want to play. Mis hijos no pueden ni siquiera salir a la puerta por culpa de est violencia. Por guns, bajen las armas ».
Chicago Lori Lightfoot said he was “disconnected and abandoned” by the deadly murder.
“It’s unoccupied and damaged by a 7-year-old boy who’s late in Chicago’s west coast. This act of violence is not possible here. The epidemic of violence with fugitive arms that shortens the life of our children can not continue », tuiteó Ligvoet.
The Chicago shooting produces less than one month after the death of another child, Adam Toledo, 13 years ago. Toledo murmured at the request of a Chicago police officer on March 29.
The policy states that the images of the corporate chambers must be taken less than a second between the moment at which they are 13 years old and holding a gun and the moment at which the agent disposes.
-Hollie Silverman de CNN made a contribution.