Nigris poncho is accused of contacting COVID-19 with one of his employees

Black Poncho, destacado influencer de origen regiomontano, se envueltra envuelto en la polemic, it is a lie that the cybercriminals accuse him of contacting and feeding COVID-19 to one of his employees, a situation in which the hizo is angry and opted to enlighten everything on television.

In an interview with the program ‘De Primera Mano’, Poncho De Nigris explained that the worker, who is an office worker, works for him in a house and in a department that is constructing, but he explains that as his contagion is at the same time as his wife and his family, he benefits culparlo.

“We do not know who is contagious to whom, but we are working, we are not celebrating. We do not know if they are contagious or if they carry the virus to the house “, verklaar the protagonist of the web series ‘Keeping up with the De Nigris’ in the program of Imagen Television.

Poncho De Nigris y su familia // Instagram

Poncho De Nigris said he and his family were contacting COVID-19.

Black Poncho removes the accusations

A dichas declarations, Poncho De Nigris revealed that at any time contact with the employee, is with the final of saber come iba superando el COVID-19, enfermedad al al influencer le provokte fuertes complications, mismas que pudieron haberlo hospitalizado.

The story of Marcela Mistral details the failure of his employee by coronavirus, he has been dealing with the family of the highly failed, to whom he promises that he will follow work and with what he can, he knows that there is nothing going on.

We recommend Leer: Poncho De Nigris reveals that he and all his family have COVID-19

Poncho De Nigris // Instagram

Poncho De Nigris shows that he has been declared innocent by the court.

Finally, Poncho De Nigris shared an audio where the mother of the worker told her even though he was not the culprit of the contagio: Arturo. We can not blame anyone, thank you very much ”.

Do you think that Poncho De Nigris desires to report false accusations? Leave your reply in the comments, to La Verdad News interest your opinion.

The new cove of COVID-19 continues to be extended worldwide by Gypsies on Google News and will enter all the details.

Photos: Instagram
