Nigris Poncho burla Cruz Azul burla and lo revientan en redes

Mexico City /

Se fue el 2020 and together with another year of fractions for Cruz Azul, which is not to be missed in the last days and in social networks hicieron varios memes y bromas in relation to La Máquina.

But one of the trolls that caused the most sensation was the hizo Poncho de Nigris, the famous empress and influencer in the region, who hizo allusion to the coronavirus pandemic and the worst part of the celeste team.

Off Twitter, Poncho pidió conciencia en el 2021 por la crisis de COVID-19 and dijo que el problema aún no acaba.

La broma tuvo miles de interacciones, hou van y respuestas, but to those who do not like anything to the aficionados of Cruz Azul que no dudaron in respond to the agravio.

The fanatical cements will record the record of the German Tano, his controversies in the world of spectacle and his phrases in distinct programs of television.
