Nigerian President Buhari dismisses chiefs of armed forces

President Buhari and Heads of Nigerian Armed Forces
President Buhari (third from left) said he had accepted the ‘immediate resignation’ of the military chiefs.

The President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, has fired the heads of the country’s armed forces he appointed when he first took office in 2015.

In a surprising move, he also tweeted the names of their substitutes.

No reason was given for the resignation of the army, navy, air force and chief of defense personnel.

It comes as Nigeria continues to grapple with widespread uncertainty, including the long-running uprising of Boko Haram and rampant kidnappings.

In particular, some of the country’s powerful governors and the National Assembly have called for the president to replace the heads of service, as many people feel that they are underperforming.

Mr Buhari, a former army general, was elected in 2015 on the promise to end the uprising in the northeastern region of Nigeria.

However, Boko Haram continued its attacks despite the government’s repeated orders to defeat Islamic militants.

Other Islamic militant groups operating in the region have also become more courageous.

Led by mr. Buhari has also exacerbated clashes between farmers and herdsmen in the central region of the country and kidnapping gangs in the northwest are working with almost a free hand.

‘Long outstanding’

Analysis by the BBC’s Ishaq Khalid

The retiring military chiefs serve about five years, making them the longest in office since Nigeria returned to democracy in 1999.

They were initially praised for the way they handled the militant group Boko Haram and its splinter faction Iswap.

In 2015, the militants controlled large areas and there were frequent suicide bombings. This is no longer the case, but the insurgents continue to attack military and civilian targets – mostly ambushes.

The security chiefs have also faced much criticism for the dramatic rise of criminal gangs kidnapping for ransom. In December, more than 300 boys were taken from a school in the north before being later released after negotiations with the kidnappers.

Nigerians, who see this move as long overdue, hope the new security chiefs will work to make the country safer, but analysts say more needs to be done to provide the military with the right equipment and funding, as well as to promote the welfare of troops. , before any tangible changes can be seen.

Who’s inside, who’s out there?

  • Chief of Defense: Gen. Abayomi Olonisakin replaced by Major General Leo Irabor

  • Army: Lt. Gen. Tukur Buratai replaced by Major General I Attahiru

  • Fleet: Vice Admiral Ibok Ekwe Ibas replaced by Rear Admiral AZ Gambo

  • Air force: Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar replaced by Air Vice Marshal IO Amao

The presidential spokesman tweeted photos of the new chiefs:

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