The Spanish judiciary disposes of the accommodation of the Torrelaguna Hotel, in Madrid, owned by the houses of Cilia Flores, owned by the President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro. The property is owned by a diner who was obtained, through fraud, by the Petroleum State of Venezuela SA (PDVSA).
The property, of four floors and three subterranean plants for parking facilities, was purchased for 15 million euros (one 18’300,000 dollars in the current exchange), with the aim of making money from a petrol corruption system.
It was acquired by four years of the Columbus One Properties company, in conformity with Ralph Steinmann, Luis Fernando Vuteff García, José Vicente Amparán Croquer and Darío Ramiro Ale Iturralde, second. Primer Informe.
“For this we will invest a part of the 600 million euros that the red has obtained through a fraud committed with the exchange of divisions in various contracts of the petrol PDVSA, according to information from the UDEF (Central Unit for Economic and Fiscal Delinquency), referred to as the Juez by the National Audit Office María Tardón “, is indicated in the publication ..
“The 600 million euros that are blanquearon from Spain are proceeding with the benefit of a credit line of 1,200 million dollars contracted by the PDVSA petrol with the group Rantor Capital, Raúl Gorrín Belisario, owner of the television chain Globevision“, se anñadió.
The judicial resolution prohibits the sale and disposal of hotel establishments. (I)