Nicolás Maduro announces that the military and politicians of the regime will be given priority to access the vaccine against the COVID-19 in Venezuela

Maduro prioritizes the evacuation of the military and the political elite

The dictator of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced that the militaries and politicians of the regime tend to prioritize the evacuation of COVID-19 in Venezuela.

Among the priority sectors also stands “the 14,000 house-to-house visit brigades“-Partidars of the regime that, insures Maduro, he has a following of the contagios-, the staff of”social work who permanently were visiting hogares, waiting for necessities “and the”security staff que anda in las calles proteciendo a la gente ”, dijo.

The dictator detailed in a public message that the officials of the regimes and deputies of the National Assembly Chavista -no reconciled by good part of the international community- also tendrion priority, mientras que el propio Maduro y su esposa, Cilia Flores, también deputada, también formarán part of ese grupo.

In the evacuation plan of authorities including which, by virtue of its work, justifies its activity of call, its special protection for which the State continues its march. However, the deputies and deputies will be evacuated during this first stage “, to justify the decision.

View of Sputnik V. EFE / Rayner Peña R / Archivo Vacation Boxes
Vista Sputnik V. EFE / Rayner Peña R / Archivo Vacation Rentals

Maduro says he hopes that by April Venezuela will be in “a massive evacuation phase“And the country can compete with the vacancies that develop Cuba, China, Russia and those who need to work on the COVAX mechanism, even if it is the National Institute of Hygiene”quien de la ultima palabraAcerca de su posible aprobación. In this last case, Venezuela did not pay the figure required to deal with the inoculants managed by the World Health Organization, and the OPS indicated the markets for which it should be disbursed for USD 18 million.

The Venezuelan dictator, in addition, has returned to its ally Russia to acquire 10 million from the Sputnik V spacecraft and from what the past Saturday read a first lot of 100,000 doses, which will comment on the proxies to the sanitary staff.

“We have approved the Sputnik V vaccine because of our recent scientific studies and approved its total, absolute security,” he said.

Maduro showed off his “private” vacation

At the same press conference, the Venezuelan dictator must show that he can operate a private sector for the immunization against the COVID-19 in the country, as a form of countering the “block”De recursos que, segun ha dicho, ha complicates the purchase of vacancies.

Podría ser (…) in the middle of the battle against the bad sanctions in the series”, Dijo Maduro was asked about a private car market that in Venezuela accumulates 133,927 cases and 1,292 deaths.

The mandate was submitted to the Presidential Commission for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19, appointed by the Executive Vice President, Delcy Rodríguez, conduct a joint study at the Ministry of Health to evaluate the feasibility of allowing the private vacancy market.

A male fireplace by a caracas (EFE / Rayner Peña R / Archivo)
A male fireplace by a caracas (EFE / Rayner Peña R / Archivo)

Maduro denounces opportunities that Venezuela has blocked resources in the United States and, even in the Middle East, other countries, which complicates the purchase of vacancies to immunize the population.

The situation has led to the regime and representatives of the opposition led by Juan Guaidó seeking to negotiate agree on the purchase of vacancies and access to the Covax mechanism, a global collaboration initiative that will accelerate the development of treatment, testing and prevention methods of COVID-19.

Guaidó aseguró estar dispuesto ‘n buskar the resources for which countries can enter the program, before its implementation depends on the Maduro regime accepting the scheme of the Panamericana Organization of Health (OPS), which coordinates the mechanism in the region.

Maduro indicates this market that the negotiation “is in full development”And I hope that it will culminate in favorable and exit form.


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