Nicky Jam responds in an unused way to ask the question

The song of urban music Nicky Jam shared an Instagram photo of the apartment descending on the sofa of his house, titled with the word “Cansado”.

Without embarrassment, as published in the periodical “”, it appears that there are women who believe that the banker has a bank account with many others who do not have the right to be banned, comments.

“The millionaire man can not be convicted. It’s hard to work ”, comments a cybercrime debater of the selfie, while also appreciating the Christmas decoration of his hogar.

Ante estas palabras, Nicky Jam no dudó en responder y dejó clear that si es millionaire is precisely because work is lasting.

“Because I’m a millionaire, because I work like a h …. You think I’m crazy about the record”, the famous reggae toner replied.

Continuation of the messages

