NICKMERCS creates powerful FFAR Warzone tax after Cold War nerfs

OpTic Chicago ‘Matthew’ FormaL ‘Piper chatted with some Cold War Black Ops players in a hilarious 3v3 game and somehow ended up with $ 1,000. Lucky for the world champion in 2017, he, Scump and Dashy came on the winning side.

The OpTic Chicago roster coming in the 2021 Call of Duty League season is one of the narrowest in the world of esports. The King – better known as Scump – is accompanied by fellow world champion and former OpTic Gaming team-mate FormaL, with young stars Envoy and Dashy rounding out the team.

It was then a big shock when Dashy, FormaL and Scump found themselves against an overconfident opponent, who decided to speak to the Infinite Warfare world champion.

As you can imagine, FormaL did not sit down to criticize, and in his hilarious way, his opponents won $ 1,000 in the 3v3 game of Black Ops Cold War.

OpTic Gaming Tournament in Black Ops III

Scump and FormaL made up half of CoD’s best list ever.

“Yo, you shut the fuck up,” he said to the great amusement of Scump and Dashy. ‘Be quiet. You keep the f ** k shut. Look at our levels and look at you. Look at our levels. Want to bet a thousand dollars on this game? ‘

To the delight of watching Scump, their opponents jokingly suggested that the bet be increased from $ 1,000 to $ 1,000,000. It’s fair to say it’s never going to happen, but it seems like the $ 1,000 bet remains.

“I just put a thousand dollars on this game,” FormaL said. ‘[It was with] Unemployment. So he really needs it. ‘

The contest was about what fans would expect, with Formal, Scump and Dashy scoring fairly comfortable winners. While Scump and Dashy used snipers, FormaL had its hands on an AK-74u and ended the match with a jaw that damaged 7,100.

He also revealed his feelings at the end of the game and shouted unpleasantly through the microphone while the Play of the Game displayed a nice 5-piece. As you can imagine, Scump laughs and calls his T2P duo an ‘idiot’.

We can not confirm whether the $ 1,000 bet was actually paid, but it’s one of the funniest streaming moments we’ve seen in a long time.

Fans will be hoping that OpTic Chicago can record their confidence and winning habits in the CDL when it launches on January 23rd.
