Ni la noche ni retenes detienen a migrantes hondureños

Ocotepeque, Honduras.

During the night, when the aduana of Water Caliente, frontier between Guatemala and Honduras, permanere cerrada, el paso de migrantes que buscan el “sueño americano” no se detiene.

Although the United States announces this week that Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras are blindsided by the front to cross the migrant line, in the divisions between these Central American countries all transcend to normalcy and be guarded solely by some police as is customary.

Aun sin caravanas, migrant deeds carried out during the migration procedure to enter Guatemala and other groups are arranged to pass clandestinely using the points ciegos ayudados por “coyotes”.

From solos or in small groups to not pay attention to the hope of not being seen by militaries and disseminated police in las colindancias of both landscapes.

LEA: Gobernador republicano rechaza pedido de alojar niños inmigrante

LA PRENSA recover the frontier during the night in search of persons from the United States and see the intense migration flow of Hondurans and foreigners on this frontier point of the western part of the country.

The march took place on 13 April, in the median, arriving in Ocotepeque a bus procedure from Tegucigalpa and, in a detainee, detained by National Police agents, and for the surprise transport of 46 Haitians and three hundred migrants in order Water Caliente.

The Haitians, with a bit of humor in their roses and without dominating the Spanish idiom, descend on the bus and proceed to the revision of their migratory status and the veracity of their documents.

The Police found that habían had entered irregularly in the country by the department of El Paraíso, and pay a fine of L4,500 per person to the Migration Institute if they have obtained a circular permit for five days in the country to pay rent by entering.

Although the intention of the Haitian migrants was not to be regressed by incursion, there is no reason for detainees to continue their journey of a validation period with the Fiscalia.

“We are united United States in the search for work and a better life. We are advancing through America of the South. If there is a very difficult tray, the lograms will open the table with the money that our mandate our families ”, dijo a LA PRENSA one of the Haitian little ones who speak Spanish.

In a second restraint, near the front, the orders are retrieved until Ocotepeque, then the aduana estaba cerrada.

“We can do detenerlos, pay a lot of Migration and can be circular for five days in Honduras, if it happens illegally to Guatemala is responsible in its territory. Without embarrassment, we will not move to the front because it is closed, ”said one of the agents in the operation.

The extranjeros fueron custodiados a las 3:00 am al parque de Ocotepeque y ante la falta de explicaciones de la Policía, unos comenzaron a llorar y otros a quejarse con el dirigent y orderarle que los llevara a la frontera sin querer descender de la unidad. With the saliva of the sun, the Haitians plan on its entry ‘n Guatemala por puntos ciegos.


Other stray migrant dogs on the front of Agua Caliente in the middle of March waiting for the opportunity to pass through Guatemala, there are more hours to go Guatemala Police and Ejército the habia hecho retroceder in an operative in Chiquimula.

“Some electricians in Honduras do not work, but this is not the case in Guatemala. Hemos intentionado varias veces salir por Agua Caliente. Al salir corriendo dejé la maleta botada. It’s the third time that we are and the lesser trayecto hemos recorrido ”, said a confederate who only identified himself as Kevin.

There are days, tranecerate, at 6:00 am, Honduran and extras dean alistaban to travel tras cancel service in hotels and Ocotepeque hostels.

On the front of Corinth, between Cortés and Izabal, the situation is not distinct. “Many hope for the night to come down on the hills and roam the front. The situation in Honduras is lamentable ”, commented the truck driver Ernesto Madrigal.

Otros, medianoche, caminaban pero de regreso a sus hogares deportados de México y Estados Unidos; some with the hope of volver to prepare to sell new hacia the north.


Istmania Platero, human rights defender and investigator specializing in migration, claims to have used policies to reprimand migrants, but has not had a preventive policy.

“Militarization on the fronts means that the human right to migrate has had to contemplate how it is. The State of Honduras is being targeted as a promoter for abandoning the country due to corruption and lack of opportunities. El Gobierno does not have the effort to protect the public or to generate employment, ”he said.

Elena Toledo, director of the Eléutera Foundation, dijo that the militarization petition of the region on the part of the United States is not a medium that will delay migration, on the contrary, complicates the scenario more.

“I would like to draw your attention to the fact that Guatemala is presenting this topic when it comes to the reaction that they had to take the caravan through the military to the tram where Iban was passing the Honduran migrants.

“Mexico, on the other hand, has come to terms with the military behavior of the Trump administration,” he said.

Toledo agrees that it is agreed that migration is a right, even if it is regular, secure and orderly; sin embargo el cuestionamiento no debe ser, ¿kómo detener a los migrantes?, sino, What is not in your country?

“Simply because there is no security or legal security and there is no social mobility to reduce human mobility. I do not support the people with clear rules, financial support for the employees and generation of employees, entities, for these reasons the migration will continue and the only ones that are the coyotes and the traffickers ”, acotó.

Guadalupe Ruelas, director of Casa Alianza, dijo que of 18 mil nine detainees on the front of the United States, from March to March of this year, accounted for more than 3,000 minor minors.

“The issue of militarization is preoccupied with repression,” he asked.
