NFL Tom Brady has an operation in the most difficult-to-play rodilla

The world of the NFL open until the end of the year 43 Tom Brady sigue en la cima tras ganar su séptimo Super Bowl when salió otra notices about the quarterback of los Tampa Bay Buccaneers what caused great news: the marshal of the camp has already been operated on.

First instance, Rick Strouds, of the Tampa Bay Times diary, informs about the surgery that Brady haran carried on the rodilla izquierda. I read the confirmation of Bruce Arians, head coach of the Buccaneers, in the same medium of communication affirming that series an operational menor: “Make a little bit of glue”.

Hasta ahí, todo normal, pero llegó unnu neversiion sober la compliegidad de la cirugía que le haran a Tom Brady. See the story of Ben Volin, of the Boston Globe, who the operation of the quarterback alone is a limpieza in the rodilla izquierda and for that reason, the QB’s league endorsed him with this molestation coming to the lesser and lesser than Patrick Mahomes in the Super Bowl LV.

According to Volin, Brady needs something more than a little limp on the rodilla izquierda because the Tom’s surgery is more serious than what the Buccaneers did. Including, Ben quoted his source to respond to the post: “When it comes to knowing everything, it is possible to build its legend even more”.

The numbers of Tom Brady in the NFL 2020

To catch a scuffle in the gnarled Izquierda, Tom Brady has two big numbers in the 2020 NFL season: 4,633 yards, 40 passes and 12 interceptions and la campña regularly. While playing in the Playoffs with a gold brooch in the summer 1,061 yards, 10 touchdowns, three interceptions and, most importantly, the Vince Lombardi trophy of Super Bowl LV.
