NFL. Patrick Mahomes supera protocol de conmoción y jugará ante Wetsontwerpe

Los Angeles, United States /

Patrick Mahomes, the star of the Kansas City Chiefs, dijo este viernes que supervises the controls of the protocol of conventions and you can play domingo ante los Buffalo Bills for a while in the Super Bowl of the NFL.

The marshal of the camp ingressed the domingo in the protocol of cerebral conventions of the NFL for one golpe received in the cabeza during the game of ronda afdelings ante los Cleveland Browns, of which it is necessary to withdraw the mediators of the third quarter.

Mahomes, More Valuable Player (MVP) of the passage Super Bowl que ganaron los Chiefs a loose San Francisco 49ersregressed the markets to the partitions training and these fires confirmed that he had received the good luck with the doctors to play the final of the American Conference ante los Bills In the Arrowhead Stadium de Kansas City.

Acabo de salir del protocolo“, dijo Mahomes a periodist. “This week he had a test amount and a set of different things to make sure he was good at playing and did not have prolonged effects or anything else”.

“Pero todo ha ido bien, there are three different doctors who say that everything is fine, as long as you stay“, agregó el ‘quarterback’, the 25 years.

Mahomes dijo que otra lesion en el pie que limito la movilidad durante la victoria sobre los Bruines también ha mejorado. “Geen era tan malo como parecía nie“, afirmó.
