NFL Free Agency: The 49ers have a $ 80 million four-year deal on the table for Trent Williams

Kyle’s update, 11:47: This is an “all hands on deck” situation for the 49ers.

On KNBR, Greg Papa, the radio announcer for the 49ers, said that Trent Williams has a $ 80 million deal from San Francisco on the table for four years.

If it’s as high as the 49ers are willing to go, we might have seen the last of Williams in a Niners uniform. When Richard Sherman predicted the 49ers would land in Williams last week, the 49ers star’s left-winger said he felt like he had: ‘I feel like I’m at a high level into my 30s, maybe early 40s , can play. ‘

I mentioned that Dad is a team employee because he does not pronounce the statement without approval. If it comes from the ‘voice of the 49ers’, it probably comes from the team. Rob Guerrera of Niners Nation believes it’s the 49ers who’re smearing the chips for a player leaving town. That way, fans could reason: ‘He had an offer of $ 80 million! Why did he not take it? ”

I would not close the door yet for Williams to return to the 49ers. Williams has yet to agree on another team, and he could give the 49ers a chance to adjust another offer or sign the deal.

If I were in the Niners front office, I would not be able to get a few million between Trent Williams and me. If the money is guaranteed, you know which player you are getting at Williams. It should be simple: pay the big player.

As Lund mentioned above, the 49ers need to be creative as other teams can offer more money. Creative is how you would describe the Niners contracts during the Lynch / Shanahan era.
