Neymar, both for four weeks, will play against Barcelona

The lesion is produced six days before the visit to Camp Nou, the next March, on the eve of the final octave of the Champions League in Barcelona

The Brazilian attacker Neymar Jr. (PSG) will be in action for a quarter of an hour for a Spierd injury and will not be able to play in the final leg of the Champions League final against Barcelona, where he plays the martes, announces his players on his team.

Neymar sufrió la lesion a causa de una dura entrada que recibió en la noche del mercoles durante un party de la Copa francesa contra el Caen.

The medical tests showed that the mayor’s kidnapper had suffered a serious injury several days ago and “there was an unavailability of a couple of weeks, depending on the evolution”, said a communiqué from Paris Saint-Germain.

The Brazilian returned injured in the final training session of the domestic cup between his team, and Caen, one week before the duel preceded his teammates.

‘Ney’ receives a forfeiture from a Yago player and marches directly into the locker room with an abductor in the 60th minute of the encounter. Substituted by Kylian Mbappé, who was supplemented by initiation.

The lesion is produced six days before the visit to Camp Nou, the next March, on the eve of the final octave of the Champions League before Barcelona and is still in doubt for the duel of vuelta.
