Neymar and Messi want to play together in Barcelona: Ney’s exagente

Mexico City /

The representative of Neymar has made some statements that he has most illusions about the affiliation of Barcelona. Y es que Andre Cury indicates that it is safe to say that the Brazilian will have to play with Lionel Messi because it is simply something that desea, but not only that, it is a refrain that they succeed in the Catalan team.

And although the parish situation is impossible due to the financial situation of the club in the news, Andre Cury, who also works as a visor of the Catalans for ten years, explained that the Brazilian will fly to Spain for simple taste.

Neymar has the open gates of Barcelona, the scenes show that they are equivocal and include the same time reconnaissance. I have been living in Barcelona for a long time, I know every city there. I’m very happy that Neymar is going to Barcelona.

“Laporta is the only one who can turn to juntarlos. Messi is not going to Barcelona. It was decided that its history is in Barcelona and it is very clear to me. If Neymar plays again with Messi, will be in Barcelona“, indicated the agent, in Brazilian diary declarations.

Neymar ya le había pedido volver

Cury explained that one year ago we were about to concretize the route of the Brazilian PSG al Barcelona, but finally hubieron one details that lo impidieron.

“Hace dos años, Neymar actually took me to Barcelona, ​​I really wanted to find him and found him de sacarlo del Paris, pero par de details et sucedió “, remató.
