Newer symptoms of COVID infection have been identified

According to a study conducted in China, pink eyes or conjunctivitis can also be a sign of COVID-19 infection. This can lead to redness, swelling and watering of the eyes. The study found that 12 of those infected with the new virus strain of all participants showed symptoms of conjunctivitis, also known as pink-eyed. Out of the 12, eleven people with signs of conjunctivitis were tested positive for COVID-19 by means of a nasal swab and of these, two were tested positive by both nasal and eye swabs.

The only possible explanation so far that could determine the link between COVID-19 and the eyes was that eyes could lead to transmission of the virus into the lungs. The scientists explained that the virus can be transmitted through the mucous membranes in the eyes into the body. More research is needed in this area to know if the virus can affect vision.
