New York Restaurant Uses Madame Tussauds Cera Figures To Relax

New York. The New York’s Peter Luger restaurant, known for its corny sabrosas, has these figures with figures from the famous Madame Tussauds museum to read some of its vacations, since local cities can only operate at 35%. with maximum capacity.

Among the celebrities who accompany the comensales encounters the icon Audrey Hepburn and the actor Jon Hamm, as well as the presenter and exporter Michael Strahan, the comedian Jimmy Fallon and the meteorologist Al Roker.

“I believe that I like it a lot of people”, dijo a los medios locales David Berson, one of the brokers at the Brooklyn restaurant, who has been dealing with these curious “comedians” from these stores, and who are looking for the nearest moon.

“Some customers, when entering first time, do not know what their figures are”, aggregate.

“A person had the question to Jon Hamm that if he had to leave the baths, just as he was doing an employee”, account.

In real life, Hepburn failed to perform for 63 years, but in this restaurant the actress, engulfed with her pearls and elegant black gloves, looks like a pair of martinis and a chest of drawers, making it a beautiful vacation .

Jon Hamm, without embarrassment, is in the bar area with a cup in the mano ligamentally supported on the bar, while Al Roker indicates amicably to the customers the escalators by which he is on the second floor of the restaurant, and Jimmy Falon disputes another month of one of Peter Luger’s famous fillets.

“None of them have covid”, bromea Berson. “Everything is going well”.
