One of the segments of the most affected population because of the coronavirus pandemic has been without doubt the los ancianos, and all have a great deal of controversy in New York about them medias tomadas por las autoridades en la pasada primavera evitaron, on the other hand the emperor, who has the number of Mayors adults who fall by COVID-19 in the centers of health hay side astronomical. Although official figures estimate that the death toll was 6,600, some experts from the Salud aseguran could be the double.
And to avoid this vulnerable population siga siendo una de las main pandemic victims, this month the State initiates the evacuation process in 618 ancianatos and hogares de cuidados de adultos mayors, de los cuales 170 están en la Gran Manzana, which is part of the second stage of the process that begins with the first immunization of health workers.
Referring to this first stage of the evacuation process, Governor Andrew Cuomo said this month New York “I have distributed more doses than any other state in all of the country, including the weight of the last week’s torment. Ya 38,000 neoyorquinos han sido vacunados ”.
The first time to receive the vaccine is Monday, a 10 months from the start of the health crisis created by the coronavirus, fue Kelley Dixon, 78, a resident of the ‘Hebrew House’ in Riverdale, and El Bronx.
In a live transmission, it is known to Dixon to subdue the manga and receive the injection, which could potentially save the life at a time when New York is being golfed for the second time in a row of COVID-19.
“Today is the principle of fin. Finally, in the 10 months, we will begin to see the light in the range of the dark. Ironically, in the shortest day of the year, the sun shines in the Hebrew Home “ Daniel Reingold, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hebrew Home in Riverdale, who confirmed that the 600 residents in his former home have given their consent to receive the dose.
El Vacation program at the senior care center also includes the workers of these houses, and the Governor explained that it lasts six weeks, “and includes three ‘keyboards’ in each facility, divided by day 1 in the number of residents and a portion of workers receiving the first entry day 2 which is when residents and the same portion of workers receive the second dose, and day 3 in which the rest of the employees are evacuated ”.
In the Hebrew Home, for example, it is hoped that for the high school vacancies will be 100% of the seniors, Although there are six pharmacies administering the dose to 200 residents per day, there are a total of 1,000 people working in this place.
The evacuation of workers of the health commenced the lunar passage, per the process in the most of 600 hogares de ancianos del estado if a week is withdrawn, the eligible civil servants shall enroll in a federal program contracted to Walgreens y CVS to administer the dose.
Since the beginning of the pandemic he has killed 50 seniors in the Hebrew Home, and in addition to this center, this month also plans to administer the vaccine in the ‘New Jewish home’ en el Upper West Side, y en el ‘Gurwin Jewish Nursing and Rehabilitation Center’ of Long Island.
This second stage is based on the fact that a federal assessor panel voted for the homeowner to provide 75 people or more with essential workers in the next file for the vacancies. Essential workers including bombers, policemen, prison guards, teachers and school staff, those who work in public transport, commendable tenders, in the food, agricultural and manufacturing sectors, and the employees of the Postal Service.
Vacation in NYC
In New York City, the ‘coming in pop’ process, and the alcalde Bill de Blasio informs this month that 42% of the doses he received at Gran Manzana have been administered, which is double the national premium of 19%.
“Hope is on the horizon in New York City”, dijo el Alcalde, aggregado que estamos “advanzando a toda mákina para que los trabajadores de la salud y los ancianatos reciban las vacunas que necesitan para ganar la battalan vir una vez por todas”.
Blasio also announced the official inauguration of this Monday Vacancas Command Center which will allow, among other things, that neovorquinos receive real-time information about the dosing process in the five condoms.
Meanwhile, the City Health Committee, Dr. Dave ChokshiAs a result, although we are in the early stages of the process, “vacancy figures and applications reflect the depth of the preparation of our medical attention system and the public health professionals”.
“Health workers who receive this vaccine have demonstrated a great deal of heroism and this vaccine will have a protective cap on our health in the near future,” Chokshi concluded.
Vacation in NY in numbers:
- 267 250 doses of Pfizer have been reported in the state.
- 346,000 doses of Moderna llegarán this week.
- 120,000 extra doses of Pfizer are also available this week.
- 630,000 total doses were the figure that was originally confirmed in December.
- 42,900 doses are distributed by hospitals and ancianatos in NYC.
- 18,105 of them 42,9000 have been applied to individuals.
Information about the vaccine:
- To get real-time follow-up to the NYC Disease Management process, visit the page:
- NYC llame al 311.
- Estado de NY llame al 888-364-3065.