New York High Schools Reopens Pandemic Milestone

The mayor of New York will welcome high school students back into the classrooms on March 22, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Monday. This is a major milestone in the city’s sometimes halted efforts to resume personal education for some of its one million students.

At a time when education in some cities in the Northeast and many on the West Coast is completely higher for high school and even some elementary school students, New York’s decision was to bring back high school students – an overwhelming majority of them with a low income, black and Latino – will be considered an important precedent. The city’s public school system is by far the largest in the country.

The reopening of high schools is the first major task facing the new school chancellor, Meisha Porter, who will take over from outgoing chancellor Richard A. Carranza on March 15.

About half of the city’s 488 high schools offer full-time tuition for most or all of their personal students, while the other half offer hybrid tuition. The city will also resume high school sports for all students from next month, including those who have decided to study remotely. The sports season will last through the summer this year, rather than ending with the school year, and students will be expected to wear masks at all times.

Even with the return of as many as 55,000 high school students who enrolled for personal classes last fall and have not been in classrooms since November – out of a total population of 282,000 high school students – only about a third of all city students will receive any personal tuition. The remaining 700,000 students across the city system have chosen to receive distance education, mainly because of the long-standing concerns about the health risks of the coronavirus.

Currently, only students who enrolled for personal classes last fall can report to the classrooms. Mr. De Blasio said the city is not yet ready to offer families a new opportunity to learn in class, due to concerns about new virus variants and the major logistical challenges associated with repairing school timetables to accommodate more students. The mayor nevertheless said he was hopeful that more students would finally be able to vote before the end of the school year.

In other large school districts, including Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago and Seattle, thousands of high school students have not received personal education in the past year and may not have access to their classrooms for months.

Although some large districts in the South, including Houston, Miami and Broward County in Florida, are open to all grades, other districts have focused on bringing elementary school students back first. This is because distance education is a challenge especially for younger children, and because research has found that personal learning with younger children may be safer than older children.

Yet high school students in New York and across the country have struggled tremendously with the social isolation of distance education. Teenagers have been sitting in their bedrooms for months, unable to see their friends or contact their teachers. Some districts have higher than average student suicide rates.

The pressure from New York to bring tens of thousands of high school students back into the classrooms will allow some graduates to reunite – and this will strengthen the mayor’s record of reopening schools, making it a top priority for him during the pandemic is.

Mr. De Blasio also said at a news conference on Monday that parents and educators expect the school to return. “We will bring our schools back in full in September,” he told a news conference.

The next phase of the reopening of the school has important reservations. At least for now, only high school students who enrolled for personal classes last fall will be able to rejoin the classrooms and join elementary school students, who returned in December, and high school students who returned late last month. This means that only about a third of the million students in the city are eligible for personal learning for the remainder of this school year, which ends on June 25.

Some high school students who returned to classrooms in the fall may not even return this spring, either because they decided in distance education or because of concerns about high virus positivity and the threat of new variants.

Middle and high school students were only able to attend in person for about six weeks last fall before the entire system closed in November due to the rising virus. High schools are the last to reopen, in part because of a lack of testing capability, and because some high schools have been used as vaccination centers for New Yorkers.

Even in October and November, some high school students only learned a few days in person, swirling between school buildings and virtual lessons in their homes to distance themselves socially.

This hybrid learning model was challenging for many high schools, and some large schools told students that they would only be able to offer normal class schedules if most students were learning full-time at home.

Some high schools eventually offered distance education, even for the children who had physically returned to the classrooms. The students sat in front of their laptops and took online courses in their school buildings and not in their lounges. It is unclear whether high schools will continue with the model in the spring, which has frustrated many parents.

With the school year more than half over, Mr. De Blasio focused most of his efforts on reopening classrooms, rather than teaching the online education at home to hundreds of thousands of students who have chosen this school year.

Many parents and educators said they wish more attention was given to online classes, especially since non-white families preferred to study in person at higher rates than white families.

The mayor negotiated for months on the gradual reopening of classrooms with the United Federation of Teachers, a powerful force in city politics that has won a slew of security measures, including a rule that school buildings must be temporarily closed when two unmarked virus cases are found.

This rule alone has caused hundreds of ten-day closures of schools over the past few weeks, which has been extremely disruptive for working parents and their children. Mr. De Blasio said he would consider changing the rule, but there are no changes to the safety protocols yet.

Although the relationship between mr. De Blasio and the UFT have become increasingly tense over the past year, the union eventually sent many of its members back to the classrooms long before they were vaccinated. Shots have become a fixture in the reopening for other unions, although the Center for Disease Control and Prevention recently said that teachers’ vaccinations should not be a condition for reopening.

Teachers in New York have had access to the vaccine since January, which means many educators returning to high school classrooms have been vaccinated against the virus. But even before teachers or staff were vaccinated, city schools were relatively safe places, with very low virus transmission in schools and no major outbreaks.

Michael Mulgrew, president of the UFT, assured members in an email Monday that all personal educators returning to high schools will have the opportunity to be vaccinated quickly – if they have not yet received their shots.

“We know how challenging it was for you to keep your high school students focused and engaged in distance learning,” he said. Mulgrew wrote.
