New video music en n agrediendo a un chico negro a quien acusaba falsamente de robarle van iPhone | Univision 41 New York WXTV

The new security video (supuestamento tomado of Hotel Arlo in SoHo, where the incident took place) was revealed by the New York Police Detective Chief Rodney Harrison.

“On Saturday, December 26, the woman of this video falsely accused an adolescent of 14 years of robbing her cellular., explains Harrison in a tuit.

La mujer, segun se ve en el video, persigue Keyon Harrold Jr., hijo del músico de jazz Keyon Harrold. The agarra and term tyrantolo al suelo in the hotel lobby. Everyone thinks that the chick has been robbed on the phone.

In a video posted earlier by Harrold, the agitated woman is demanding that the phone be unveiled, while the hotel manager intends to mediate between the parties. In a moment, the woman is agitated and doubles: “I do not want to say that she is with my phone!”.

In his post, Harrold wrote: “The recording of this video has been approved by me for 14 years and I mean my apartment in the Hotel Arlo Soho to share. This person, quote text, ‘lost’ on iPhone, and apartment , I love it magically, it’s just plain ridiculous. It’s lasted a few minutes longer, and I’m protecting it from this lunatic.

The New York Police Department, like the Manhattan Tax Office, said it was investigating the incident. The powder powder will attack loads of aggression.

On the other hand, Harrison also asked anyone who was interested in his parade to call the police at 800-577-TIPS (8477).

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