New video about the future of Intelligent Medicine and the medical applications of 3D and 4D printing

Feique, Forum Qumica y Sociedad y el canal educativo Unicoos, dirigido por el profesor, youtuber y divulgador scientfico David Calle, han published the decimoquinto video of the camp UniQoos con Qumica: Impresin en 4 Dimensiones y Medicina Intelligent

In this new entry, the focus is on the advances in the field of personalized and precise medicine, explaining the technologies that chemistry is developing in the areas of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of children. Hablamos of personalized and autonomous companies that act in our body of programmed manner, of clinical analysis in remote or miniature autonomous laboratories in a chip inside our body, of digital health that allows us to control different pathological instant or the advances in 3D and 4D printing for the creation of bodies compatible with the human body, futures artists and biocompatible materials that conceive, including, best performance and qualities than the original bodies. All of them, based on the incessant work base of scientists who are dedicated to health innovation applied to health.


Impressive in 4 Dimensions and Medicine Intelligent descriptive impressive advances that are high then applied in different mbitos of health and that are impenetrable to only die or give them. If anything it is clear that, without doubt, the sail XXI is and will be the sail of the intelligent and personalized medicine.

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