New therapy with cellulite cells in dogs, great advances in veterinary medicine

The fields and side are human companions from their domestication for miles. With varying degrees in veterinary medicine in the last decades, his life expectancy has increased. Without embarrassment, a secondary effect of this longevity, just as in humans, is an increase in the appearance of chronic and degenerative affections.

In human beings, modern efforts to combat these illnesses culminated in the development of regenerative therapies, based on large media in breast cells. These “baby” cells have the potential to differentiate and nourish many types of specialized cells, called “pluripotency”. To transplant cell mats and guide their differentiation in the types of cell deaths, investigators can regenerate effectively the given data, reviving the course of various complex diseases. Although this technology has been extensively studied in humans, the potential of therapy with cells in dogs is lacking.

At the end, a Japanese research team, led by the professor Shingo Hatoya of the University of Osaka, has been working on the Islamization of “Cells of Multiple Potentiated Inductions” (iPSC, by its English flags) of rabbit song samples. The iPSC is a type of cell that can be “programmed” to be part of an undeveloped cell (or “differentiation”) through the introduction of a specific gene gene in them. These gene coding proteins are called “transcription factors”, which induce the change of a cell differentiated into a pluripotent, which has the ability to mature in different types of cells. The iPSC can proliferate very quickly, providing a reliable cellular maternity nurse adhering to regenerative therapies. “We will be able to establish an easy and efficient generation method of iPSC rabbits from mononuclear cells of peripheral blood,” Hatoya explains. Introduce the importance of these hallucinations for veterinary science, asserting that it hopes that, in a future future, “it is possible to carry out regenerative medicinal treatments in horses”.


The previous intentions of these sciences to generate iPSCs include rabbit blood cells, using viral “vectors” to administer pluripotency inducing transcription factors, without making them as effective as possible.

For this reason, in this study, we will try a different combination of inductive factors, which would make it difficult to test all the potential of these cells. The most important thing is that the investigators need to check how the cells reprogrammed in the body are replicated. The viral vectors that encode multifunction inducing transcription factors can be used to infect blood cells obtained and converted to iPSC; sin embargo, the scientists debian tener cuidado: debido a que estos vectors se integran in el genome del huésped, la reexpression de estos factors de pluripotencia en la célula huésped pude provoc la tumor formation cuando estas cellules se transsan

To avoid this, the cell development team does not have “sin huellas” using a particular type of viral vector that can generate iPSC without genomic insertion and can “silenciarse” automatically through “microARN” expressed on the cells. Luego, we cultivate these cells in a special type of medium that contains various factors that increase its pluripotency (including a “cocktail of small molecules”). Hecho, these cells are created and developed with the same capitals (which form the basis of all the organs).

In a fascinating way, these hallazgos he used the truck for a therapy technique with cells made easy for the best friends of the man. “We believe that our method can facilitate the research that involves the model of nurses and regenerative therapies in the veterinary camp”, apunta Hatoya. Además, the authors also creen that the additional research on regenerative therapies for canines can have some effective effects on the skin for human medicine. “Loose horses share the same behavior that humans and develop spontaneously the different diseases, and certain genetic diseases “.
