New super PAC aims to support lawmakers who voted to accuse or condemn Trump

A group of Republicans has launched a new super PAC aimed at giving support to GOP lawmakers who voted to oust former President TrumpDonald Trump Sacha Baron Cohen exclaims ‘danger of lies, hatred and conspiracies’ in Golden Globes speech. Sorkin uses the quote from Abbie Hoffman to condemn violence in the Capitol: Democracy is ‘something you do’..

Founders, including allies of Rep. Adam KinzingerAdam Daniel Kinzinger New super PAC aims to support lawmakers who voted to accuse Trump or condemn Trump to tears in Biden, GOP critics in Kinzinger’s first post-presidential speech: GOP ‘certainly not united’ over ‘ future vision ‘MORE (R-Ill.), An outspoken critic of the former president, started the PAC, which Americans call Keeping Country First, The Washington Post reported Sunday.

The super PAC describes himself as the only one “exclusively dedicated to defending members of Congress who have taken votes of conscience to accuse or condemn President Trump after rioters stormed the Capitol complex on January 6, 2021.”

Americans Keeping Country First will serve as the non-profit sister to Kinzinger’s own PAC, which he launched earlier this month to fight ‘Trumpism’ and will strive to build a grassroots level, the Post reports, citing documents .

Mario Castillo, one of the group’s advisers, said in a statement to the Post that the new PAC has a clearly defined mission to provide air coverage for members of Congress who have taken votes of conscience over President Trump to accuse or condemn. ‘

Kinzinger, who was one of ten House Republicans who voted to accuse Trump last month, started the Country First PAC to raise money against a ‘big list’ of members, such as representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Matt GaetzMatthew (Matt) GaetzFive takeaways from CPAC 2021 New super-PAC aims to support lawmakers who voted to condemn or condemn Trump Grenell, to learn more about the possible California government. (R-Fla.), Which supported the former president.

The new PAC is expected to include the ten Republican House members and Sen. Lisa MurkowskiLisa Ann Murkowski New super PAC aims to support lawmakers who voted to accuse or condemn Trump Kinzinger: GOP ‘definitely not united’ over ‘future vision’ Graham: Trump will be ‘useful’ to all Senate GOP positions MORE (R-Alaska), which will face an election in 2022, in the by-election and general election. Trump has said he plans to support primary challenges for Republicans who have crossed him, and Kinzinger is already planning to face a pro-Trump primary challenger, who announced her campaign earlier this month.

Castillo predicted that Americans Keeping Country First would get good funds before the primary after receiving “real interest” from Republican donors.

The announcement of the new super PAC comes because Trump wants to maintain support as the leader of the GOP after his second accusation, which he spoke at the Conservative political action conference on Sunday.

The launch also follows because The Lincoln Project, the anti-Trump GOP group, has had calls to close amid allegations of a toxic work environment.
