New rules: Belinda and Christian Nodal and the next step in his relationship

Have only one of the atres Belinda Share his anguish with his fans, having passed one of the peers and ms sad moments in his life lie that his mascot Gizmo will pass to live. The amorous perryo was a beautiful Chihuahua specimen that made the artist’s journey and adventures, his own words palabras.

Nunca penne que llegara el da en qué me iba a tener que despedir de ti, me acuerdo la primera vez que te vi en mis manitas y eras la cosita ms hermosa y kwesbaar que haba visto, me miraste con esos ojos grandes y ah decid cuidarte y darte lo mejor de m, inicia la sentida despedida que Belinda le dedic a su amigo fiel en Instagram.

