NEW: Rep. Perry played a role in the alleged Trump plan to oust acting AG

Pennsylvania Rep. Scott PerryScott Gordon Perry Democrats lift fines on maskless lawmakers on House floor Increasing number of lawmakers test positive for COVID-19 after Capitol siege New Jersey Democrat thinks she contracted coronavirus during Capitol siege MORE (R) played a key role in an alleged plan by former President TrumpDonald Trump McCarthy says he to rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said he did not agree with her accusations against Biden Biden. Trudeau agrees to meet next month. Trump plans to oust acting AGM to reverse Georgia election results: MORE reports to oust then-acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen in an attempt to overturn the election results in Georgia, according to a report by The New York Times on Saturday.

The outlet reports that Perry, who voted earlier this month in favor of objecting to the election results in Pennsylvania and Arizona in Congress, coordinated the introduction between Trump and Jeffrey Clark, the acting head of the Civil Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Clark was reportedly receptive to Trump’s allegations that the 2020 election was ‘stolen’ from him.

The times initially reported Friday that Trump wanted to replace Rosen joins Clark after Rosen refused to support Trump’s controversial allegations that the presidential election was tainted by widespread voter fraud. Four former Trump administration officials told the newspaper that the plot to replace Rosen failed after DOJ officials revealed the plan and threatened to resign en masse.

On Saturday, the Times reported that former Trump administration officials said Clark had informed the acting attorney general in late December about a meeting with the former president mediated by Perry.

The Times noted that it was unclear how Perry Clark initially met and how well they knew each other before meeting with the former president. Both the president and Clark apparently also had several direct telephone conversations.

Justice Department officials were reportedly surprised by these interactions, as Clark Rosen had not warned before. The agency’s policy stipulates that the president must first communicate with the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney General on any DOJ matter.

According to the Times, former officials said Perry and Clark had discussed a plan to send the Justice Department a letter to Georgian lawmakers stating that an investigation into voter fraud was underway that would undermine state election results. possibly overthrow. The two men then discussed the alleged plan with Trump.

However, Rosen reportedly refused to send the letter.

The former officials informed about the matter and told the Times that the Justice Department had conducted dozens of investigations into the fraud of voters, and none of them found that the outcome of the election would change.

The Hill reached out to Perry’s office for comment on the Times report.

Sen. Richard DurbinDick DurbinOvernight Health Care – Fauci: lack of facts ‘probably’ cost lives in coronavirus battle | CDC changes COVID-19 vaccine line to barely mix Pfizer, Moderna shots | Senate chaos threatens to slow down Biden’s agenda Hillicon Valley: Intelligence agency collects U.S. smartphone location data without warrants, says memo | Democrats seek answers over impact of Russian hack on DOJ, courts | Airbnb offers Biden administration help with vaccine distribution Democrats seek answers over impact of Russian cyberattack on Justice Department, Courts MORE (D-Ill.), the incoming chairman of the legal committee, sent a letter to the DOJ on Saturday informing the agency that it was investigating the alleged efforts of Trump and Clark “to use the Justice Department to overturn Trump’s efforts to to further promote the 2020 presidential election. “

Senate Majority Leader Charles SchumerChuck Schumer Divide and conquer or unite and prosper Roe is not enough: Why black women want to put an end to the Hyde Amendment National Guard within Capitol after being moved MORE to the parking garage (DN.Y.) it also asked the DOJ’s internal watchdog to investigate Trump tweeted about the Times’ report on Friday and Saturday that it was, “A Trump justice leader would unscrupulously converge to undermine the will of the people.

“The Inspector General of Justice must now investigate this attempt at sedition,” Schumer added.

Schumer further said that the Senate will continue with an indictment against Trump over his role in the deadly January 6 riot at the Capitol. The trial is set for starts the week of February 8.
