New remedy for reproductive medicine

Investigators from Kyushu University of Japan directly converted the cells in the cells to the ovules using a conjunction of only transcription factors.

December 17, 2020. 10:22 am

Japanese investors have tested that the activation of only one gene to produce proteins that control genes is sufficient to convert cells directly into cells that ovulate and include can fertilize as ovules, published in the journal ‘Nature’. If a simple method is used to promote a new drug to produce cytoplasm specialized in reproductive medicine.

In addition to proportioning new knowledge about the mechanisms of the development of the ovules, the investigation can lead to a simple route for generating highly exclusive specializations of ovocytes for its use in biology and reproductive medicine.

Almacenados in the corpse hadta that maduran and were gathered in ovulos lists for fertilization, the ovocytos represent the first step in the creation of a new human life.

The ovocytes are extremely unique in their ability to produce the most frequent types of cells needed to differentiate an individual, and a key to this capacity is the complex of cytoplasmic fluid sustainability.

The ovocytes and their cytoplasm are extraordinarily thin which replace the nucleus that contains the DNA of an ovocyte by a cell of the body, a process known as nuclear somatic cell transfer, can produce a new life, as demonstrated by the famous Dolly Oveja.

For this reason, a fundamental compensation of the ovocytes and their development is important for advancing in reproductive medicine as to comprehend better how to propagate the life, for the knowledge of the many genes that orchestrate the development of the ovocytes that are be complete.

Analyzing the development of experimental model ovocytes, the researchers led by Katsuhiko Hayashi, Professor of the Faculty of Medical Sciences at Kyushu University, he has also identified genes for protein depletion known as known as of the ovocytes sense that también can also directly convert the mother cells into cells similar to the ovocytes.

“Initially, it was completely unbelievable to see that the cells madam tomaban the form of ovocytos tan fast and easily based on the introduction of only a few factors, per experiments repeated demonstrator that was short – said Nobuhiko Hamazaki, first author of the study results and assistant professor at Kyushu University at the time of the investigation–. Discover that even transcription factors can lead to changes that are very surprisingly powerful ”.

Working in collaboration with RIKEN investigators, the Hayashi group discovered that so do embryonic breast cells such as induced multiple cell tumors (iPS), which can be created by adult adult cells, are constantly invited in cells appearing on the ovocytes when they are obliged to produce the joint. of eight transcription factors, if only four factors are sufficient in some cases, even with reproducibility.

‘It is noteworthy that the cells of the mother can be converted directly into cells similar to the ovocytes without following the second sequence of steps that suede natural form ”, Hayashi concludes.

When grown in the presence of other cells that are generally located around the ovocytes, the cells similar to the ovocytes develop similar structures to the ovarian ovules, but with an abnormal chromosomal structure. At this point, the mature cells appear and the ovary can fertilize in vitro and exhibit a temperate development, and some include progressing to an even stage.

Although the nuclei modified by the cells are similar to ovocytes, they can not be used in large spaces, there is no problem for the applications that mainly require the cytoplasm of the ovary, as for reproductive and mitochondrial biology studies, which are part of the ovocytes to prevent the mothers from transmitting to their nurses related to the mitochondria.

“The cytoplasm of the ovocytes is an incalculable resource in biology and reproductive medicine, and this method can propose a new hermium to produce large quantities without any invasive procedure –comment Hayashi–. If the processes aún podrían are much more complex for humans, these initial results in ratios are very promising ”.
