In the full global pandemic of COVID-19 coronavirus and the confinement realized, one of the most positive changes that was made in the perception of people about their welfare.
This is particularly true of topics such as nutrition and physical fitness. But also have clear tendencies in salud spiritually. Individuals, social speeches and haste companies need to understand the importance of what the child does not strive for stress, anxiety or depression.
However, the theme of mental health is as effective as when the individual is in charge of it. psychological well-being. That is, for the simple reason that only every person can know how to be, because and what actions should be taken to get rid of the issues that need to be overcome.
In turn this idea, recently surged Wellners, a platform for Latin America de bienestar content focused on three areas: mind, body and soul. The project, ideal for Karen Burschtin y Javier Lempert, was launched in the Uruguayan market and fined in February.

“We want a balanced person to have balanced decisions and to contribute to creating a more balanced world. Our valor son: professionalism, love, harmony, balance and community. Estuve 11 years old in PedidosYa, conducting the commercial area, but always be related to the well-being of the people and me to consider that there is no space that meets these contents. If you can do yoga in one place, gymnasium in another, healthy food in another, but what you can do is have a space that meets all in one place“, description Karen Burschtin, who is it Senior Vice President of Sales ofPedidosYa, in the middle of El País de Uruguay.
Separate to work as marketplace, the project aspires to generate a community of well-being, increase Burschtin. And he explained that if there was any entrance into the yoga bus but he was topped off with a video of how the anguish could be countered, “because it’s what he really needs. This is the difference between a simple marketplace; here it is retroalimenta between those who produce content and those who experiment and share“.
The idea would quickly attract a group of renowned investors, between the two Sergio Fogel (dLocal), Gabriel Colla (Infokorp), Ariel Burschtin y Álvaro García (cofundadores de PedidosYa), who conforms together with the creators of Wellners, the directorate of the flame company.
The startup surgeó as the evolution of the application GuiaOm, created in October 2020, will operate as a content directory for this topic.
How the platform works
Offer an amplia range of plates and classes related to personal well-being, the platform send a link by mail 10 minutes before starting the live. In addition, an app will be uninstalled so that these notifications are sent directly to the user, in agreement with the co-founder.
La Production of the contents is carried out by producers who are in charge of filming the courses. In addition, an independent team takes care of the production of promotional videos, as well as difundirlos, yes in speeches, on the platform or in various marketing channels.
Thus, the monetization of the brand depends on the contents sold. In the case of courses, covers a 20% commission if the sale is for the platform and 10% is for expert channels what is the course. For living room cases or classes, the percentage is 10%, and the sale is by the expert, 5%.

Wellners, the application that aggregates courses and plates in vivo, related to health and personal well-being
“I would like to have people who are brindan content to be, that many times by not having the gifts they deserve to be defiled and sold can not live to be. My inspiration inspires the median empresses that live on that actually know how to help 630 million people living in Latin America. The bus platform changes the world, brindar mediante digital content moments to help to live better“, synthesizes the Uruguayan employer.