New Presidential Chamber Compromises to Revise Civil Code and Relations between Puerto Rico and United States

The President enters the Chamber of Representatives, Rafael “Tatito” Hernández, a compromise will be made to facilitate the presentation and discussion of various proposed legislative proposals to bring about the celebration of a Constitutional Assembly of Status and to attend to the concerns and deficiencies presented by the new Civil Code approved in June.

Hernández met today with the President of the College of Defendants and Advocates, Daisy Calcaño López, in agreement with the agreement on the drafting of a project, which will be prepared by the body, in order to extend the relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States “In collaboration with the College of Representatives content of this project. The Chamber of Representatives will be a facilitator for, together with the College of Lawyers, a process of education, ”said the new cameral leader.

To approve the proposal, it will arrange the referendum of a referendum to authorize the adoption of a Constitutional Assembly as a procedural mechanism for reviewing relations between Puerto Rico and the United States. “We understand that it is the best way for the people to express themselves with a representation of all the electoral curricula of the country”, scored Calcaño López to indicate that there is a compromise of the new mayor of Popular Democratic Party (PPD) in the Chamber of Representatives to present the full media. To be so, dijo, initiate a process of education in the people.

For more than a decade, the body that aggregated the lawyers of the countries has promoted the celebration of a Constitutional Assembly of Status. The borrower, López Calcaño, has approved some of the amendments he has made to the Commission of the Constitutional Development Commission, chaired by the President of the Collegium of Abogados and Abogadas, Alejandro Torres Rivera. “If we are present celebrating forums working through the island in a slow language, in error and habitual, we understand that there is a lot of information and death”, señaló Calcaño López.

At the meeting, which was extended by more hours and hours, the Deputy President of the Chamber also took part, José “Conny” Varela, who also presides over the Constitutional and Electoral Commission; the representative Kebin Maldonado Martiz, which assumes the direction of the Commission of Federal, International, Status and Veterans Supporters; y representative and president of the la Comisión de lo Jurídico, Orlando José Aponte Rosario.

“All sectors have a democratic and transparent approach that includes all just and equitable ideologies. It is hoped that they will be represented in a non-partisan process that will bring credibility to the country and the United States Congress, ”said Maldonado Martiz.

As part of the meeting, Calcaño López indicated that he would also be drafting a 26-page document with some of the changes required by the Civil Code signed in June by the ex-governor Wanda Vázquez Garced. “There are some good things, but there are those who are worried and preoccupied that it is necessary for the people to have an adequate and temperate Civil Code,” said López Calcaño.

Between the proposals proposed by the College, the subrogation maternity leave is defined, the doctrine of equality is restored and Article 107 is revised, which addresses the issue of the validity of legal acts that can take place between 18 and 21 years of age. “This article should be revised immediately and, if necessary, limit the legal acts of the minorities between these acts, our specifics,” Calcaño López urged.

López Calcaño subtraí también la urgencia de mirar el Artículo 694 on the modification of number and sex in the deed of matrimony, which, as this is detailed, the procedure “may violate the right to intimacy of the person and may be discriminatory”. “Pudimos haber tenido un mejor Kódigo, no como se present, in een viciado, amañado a puertas cerradas”, señalo.

Sostuvo que, además, hay que mirar the area of ​​derecho a alimentos de los hijos burgemeester de edad que cursan professional or vocational studies, as well as the provision of obligations that establish that the accredors can realize management of cobro deuda, for example, sin the necessity of the interpellation of a claim, “Lo que es muy peligroso”. Another area to be observed is Article 6.86 which excludes legal representatives who are eligible to apply for certifications in the Demographic Register. “It is part of our management in practice”, detailed.

In Article 615, in addition to the letter, sugieren eliminate the “involuntary homicide” as one of the causes for the privatization of the patria potestad. The involuntary homicide is not an intentional conduct and, on occasions, not involved, explained. “This offense is inconsistent and should not be here,” López Calcaño explained, adding that he also suggested that considering that no motor vehicle was subject to the embargo, even though there was no collection or antiquity.

Referring to the issues of the Civil Code, Hernandez indicates in writing that a resolution will be drafted that will contain and evaluate the most important points of the proposed actions, in a way that can listen to the opinion of the sectors with regret. This process is in the hands of Aponte Rosario.

“There are different sectors of the country that compromise to work on legal relevance issues, such as the Civil Code, the Constitutional Institutions and the Constituent Assembly as a framework for presenting our people with a political status solution. It is a hopeful and definite initiative, my motive is to carry out the work that will be done by all the poor people ”, points out Aponte Rosario.
