New Pokémon Snap debuts in Japanese TV commercial

Give me your best side

Shutterbugs await the return of Pokémon Snap you can enjoy this TV commercial with a cut-and-you-miss for the upcoming Nintendo Switch release, which starts airing on Japanese television.

The typically enthusiastic short stars, young actor Kokoro Tarada and YouTuber Fuwa-Chan, as the duo prepares to enter the world of ‘Pokemon Ecology’, both dressed in the nine as old-school explorers and ready to be funny about the wide variety of Pokémon waiting inside. Short game material then gives us a look at all of our favorite characters, including Pikachu … Apple Burner … LongBeak … and … Butterfly.

You can view the ad below, with permission from NintendoEverything.

New Pokémon Snap is introduced on Nintendo Switch. 30 April. A helmet not needed.
