New Jersey vaccinates smokers in front of key workers


After the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced comprehensive changes to the country’s COVID vaccine development on January 12, governors jumped into action to implement the desired corrections at the state level. States are free to interpret the HHS’s proposals for rollout as they see fit. Recently, New Jersey opened vaccinations for residents over 65 and all 16 years and older with underlying conditions. This expansion is in line with many other state vaccination programs, but Gov. Phil Murphy had to defend his choice to add smokers to the list of people who have a condition that gives them access to preferential vaccination. This means that New Jersey smokers will vaccinate in front of essential workers. Read on for more information on the deployment of the vaccine, and for more news on the vaccine: if you are using this medication, you must stop before you get the vaccine.

Doctor with protective face shield injecting COVID-19 vaccine into colleague
valentinrussanov / iStock

On January 13, Murphy announces the addition of two new categories of residents who will be eligible to receive a COVID vaccine as soon as January 14. The update includes senior citizens and everyone 16 years and older with certain medical conditions, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which increases the risk of serious diseases due to the virus. ‘

The state is targeting the people who have had the most severe reactions to COVID. “Expanding vaccine access for individuals in these categories is critical because we know they are at greater risk for serious COVID-19 diseases and deaths,” the New Jersey health commissioner said. Judith Persichilli added in the statement. “Eighty percent of COVID-19 deaths in New Jersey were among those 65 years of age and older, and overall, 67 percent of deaths were reported to one or more underlying conditions.” And sign up for our daily newsletter for more information.

Middle adult female doctor at home visits a vaccine to a senior patient

According to Murphy’s statement, the conditions you vaccinate in New Jersey at this stage include “cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD [chronic obstructive pulmonary disease], Down syndrome, heart disease, obesity and severe obesity, sickle cell disease, smoking, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. “

Furthermore, those who are pregnant or with an immune weakening due to an organ transplant are also now eligible for a vaccine. However, the statement advised people in these positions to stick to CDC guidance and to discuss vaccination with their personal provider before sitting down for the shot. And for more information on vaccine complications, dr. Fauci just gave this warning about COVID side effects.

Healthcare worker injecting COVID vaccine into the arm of a female patient at medical clinic.
HRAUN / iStock

New Jersey has expanded the priority vaccination to include first responders such as police officers and firefighters on Jan. 6. However, Murphy skipped over the vaccination of other essential workers, including teachers, restaurant workers and grocery store staff. Now smokers will be vaccinated in front of these workers.

During Murphy and Persichilli’s press conference, they defended their decision to include smokers. “Smoking carries a significant risk for an adverse outcome of COVID-19, and there are 2 million smokers in New Jersey who fall into these categories,” Persichilli said during the January 13 briefing. And for more urgent vaccination information, discover the only 2 people who should not get the COVID vaccine, says the FDA official.

Senior woman about to receive Covid-19 vaccine
bluecinema / iStock

The newest groups to be vaccinated join the previous people in phase 1A who have already been eligible for the shot. New Jersey vaccinated health care staff, residents and staff of long-term care facilities and first responders. Surprisingly, Persichilli said, “No documentation of the medical condition or your age is required” at the time of the vaccination. And for more information on the future of the pandemic, the CEO of Moderna has just made this narrow prediction about COVID.
