More Marvel Studios action kicks off at Disney + next month with the premiere of The falcon and the winter soldier, which will be an action-packed buddy comedy focusing on Captain America’s closest friends who bump heads and save the world. And because the series will be closer to the typical Marvel Cinematic Universe action than fans currently see WandaVision, it goes without saying that it will have a middle-class rating to take into account the violence and humor that usually appear in a Marvel movie. And apparently this is exactly what we’re going to get.
A new TV spot for The falcon and the winter soldier reveals that the Disney + series will get TV-14 LV, which takes into account the language and violence commonly included in Marvel shows. Check out the 1 minute promotion below:
The One-Minute Trailer version of # FalconAndWinterSoldier, which confirms the TV-14 LV rating in the United States.
– YAW Channel (@theyawchannel) 17 February 2021
Judging by the comments of the cast and the team, it sounds like The falcon and the winter soldier will be closer to tone to Captain America: The Winter Soldier than any other Marvel project since that movie was released. Although the series will utilize the natural chemistry between protagonists Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan, it will also rely heavily on espionage.
“We have not lost the sense of security and espionage,” Mackie said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. ‘It still feels like you’re in a Philip K. Dick novel [or] A Tom Clancy movie. But at the same time, it’s me and Sebastian, and we’re idiots, so you can be more of us who we are. ‘
Lead author Malcom Spellman expressed these sentiments. He expressed gratitude for the opportunity to inherit characters like Sam and Bucky and take them on a brand new adventure.
“There’s a real chemistry there,” Spellman said. “Imagine having to write the first installment of a buddy-cop series, and know exactly what the rhythm and taste of the two characters are before you even begin.”
The series will likely reveal who the next Captain America will be after the events of Avengers: Endgame. Spellman added that it will be a major event in the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as well as fans around the world.
“The idea of whether a black man could become Captain America just felt like a great moment and a great opportunity,” Spellman said.
The falcon and the winter soldier going to Disney + premiere on March 19th.