New Collective Disadvantages in Bienestar Social Center Information from the SERES and Caser Foundation (Social Action) :: RSE Compromise

22/01/2021 08:12:33 This week he presented the information prepared by Case and Fundation SERES with the title “The paper of business in social welfare” to highlight the unfavorable and the impact of the pandemic on the mosmos.

Ignacio Eyriès, CEO of Grupo Caser abrió la sesion and ha destacada the contribution of the sector insuring the general economic crime of society, the proportional institution of the functioning of the country, promoting the maple, the culture of prevention and maintenance of the risks and propositions of the guarantees. Animo also in other sectors of the economy to reflect on what will be his contribution in the form that, in addition, we will run for the common good. The insurer sector has developed specific initiatives to protect the most vulnerable groups in the midst of the pandemic. The pandemic has accelerated the workload of flexibility such as the more positive media, ”he said.

Francisco Román has ensured that “we direct a new venture with new opportunities to innovate, improve and work to impact a positive way in society. The crisis provoked by COVID-19 has been the culmination of the month of fundamental rights for society and business. In the first place, resume economic activity and make sure it does not go unnoticed. Not so important, the second major challenge will be a reading that will combine immediate results with a vision that will be widely used for the proposal and the collaboration ”.

The session has a space to show the information conclusions The papel of business in the social welfare which will help to know the main rules that abdicate the public policies in the field of social welfare, will be working in front of companies in one of these years and the opportunities that exist to increase the results of the implementation of strategies He was analyzed in the posterior redesign, moderated by Ana Sainz, Director General of the SERES Foundation, who has made it clear that “organizations are struggling to be part of the solution. A connection between social and economic progress: sum of social value and business value. It’s a concept incomparable even if it does not fit. It is important to solve a problem and social issues and issues that are vulnerable, and that have an impact on a positive and la cuenta result ”

Pilar Rodríguez, President of the Pilares Foundation ha hecho hincapié en que “hay que poner en centre a la personas y esto supone hacer una enorme apupesta por la innovation in les recursos y en la manner de intervenir para involvement in sociedad la las jubiladas como para atender a la persona que necesitan ayuda en su domicilio o en residencias. The great ones will be innovation and transformation in that the companies can bring much ”.

Natalia Peiró, Secretary of the Spanish Cáritas, has concluded the situation of the most unfavorable collectives during the debate and has ensured that “this crisis has not affected everyone by chance. The people who accompany us in Cáritas are happy and afflicted by the lack of employment, by the temporary and precarious employment, by the difficulty for the sake of the living and the summoners or by the digital breach ”.

For his part, Ana Muñoz de Dios, Director-General of the Integration Fund has stated that “companies, now more than ever, own an active paper, in which it can involve and involve all interest groups in social work. which together with the entities with the collaborators, as partners and co-creators. These alliances and synergies are translated into a result: social impact ”.

Ernesto Gascó, High Commissioner for the Lucha against the Spanish Government’s Child Power, closed the session and argued that “the social ascender does not work as well as it should in Spain. The COVID-19 has had an impact on all our lives, but by design it has been recognized and the impact is much mayor and supone a loss in salute to the collectors of mayor edad and the nines he sufrido also the impact of the pandemic. He pointed out the risks to that which is affecting the child, a duration of confinement and by virtue of the effects on mental health also must be treated and treated. If this dimension is important it is most visible in the educational camp. Six months without pre-school classes have impacted the yield and law the Commission is in defending pre-school education and boosting resources for virtual education. It is essential to guarantee a child and health and happiness ”.
