New CDC data show strong differences in coronavirus shots

More than 60 percent of those vaccinated were white. More than 14 percent reported being from multiple or other racial or ethnic groups; 11.5 percent were Spanish; 6 percent were Asians; just over 5 percent were black; and 2 percent were Native American Indians or Alaska natives.

“I am concerned about how we are doing,” said Marcella Nunez-Smith, leader of the Biden administration’s health equality task force, at a news conference Monday. “We need to address these insufficient data points as an urgent priority.”

In addition, about 63 percent of those vaccinated were women and about 55 percent were 50 years or older.

Vaccination of vaccines in old age homes: A second CDC report on Monday confirmed anecdotal reports that coronavirus vaccination is high among nursing home residents, but low among staff.

Nearly 11,500 nursing homes had at least one vaccination clinic through a federal pharmacy partnership between Dec. 18 and Jan. 17. A median of nearly 78 percent of residents received the vaccine, while a median of only 37 percent of staff per facility decided to be vaccinated.

Why it matters: President Joe Biden wants a fair distribution of the coronavirus vaccine, but preliminary reports show how much soil needs to be made up.
