new caravan migrants Honduras to EEUU Joe Biden | News Univision América Latina

“Esta caravana fue apenas la punta de un ysberg”, dijo Caredda interviewed Univision Investiga des Tegucigalpa. “We will have more caravans in the next months”.

The question in the caravan most recently, as he sued with others in the passage, has been the encabeza, como is organized and interests the mueven. The incidents in Honduras about this article coincide with the fact that there is no single organizer, there are some groups that are integrated by individuals, each has more than enough people to lose.

Other sources describe the versions of the religious or political manipulation between the caravan’s, from the United States, to create a crisis in the governing body of President Joe Biden.

Mauro Verzeletti, a Brazilian nurse who runs the Immigrant House in Guatemala, lives more than 20 years studying the migratory movements of Central America, says Univision that this year, as in other years, all classes of theories about the caravan manipulation have been heard.

“Some say that Trump, or Lopez Obrador, said that the Honduran president had told me that the poverty and violence of these countries had been undermined by the neoliberal policies of states that did not fulfill the function of the crime. “, dijo.

The Norwegian Council for Refugees has a frontier monitoring area that constantly provides information on social networks, WhatsApp groups and frontier points. Detectan comán están moviéndose los miles de hondureños que cada ajan de país, en pos de migrar a Estados Unidos.

Last October, this year the Council discovered the first signs of the organization of the caravan, which took place this 15th of January from San Pedro Sula and was deactivated in Central America, antes of reading in Mexico, in less than one week.

“We are moving around in some groups that are willing to sell Honduras’ entry principles,” Caredda said. Integral members of the Council participate in our groups, now that “hay talks for new caravans in February and March”, follow the information provided by the Norwegian organization.

In the most recent caravan part of San Pedro Sula 6,000 people, with rumbo in El Florido, in Copan, front with Guatemala, two dates from the Honduran Cruz. One week after the Guatemalto Institute of Migration calculated that there were 7,500 integrators; inform that more than 3,900 of them are repatriated.

For activists and politicians in Honduras, The organization of other movements of people is explained by the humanitarian and economic crisis that is plaguing the country.

In the last week of October, the tropical tower Eta azotó north of Honduras. Of the most delayed weeks, the Iota hurricane, the most potent of the season in 2020, which category 5 increases, in addition to the new terrestrial animals that are inhabited by Eta.

The amount informs the data on the torments in cases 2 million millions of dollars. Advirtió that 92 mil people live in albergues, because their houses have been affected or destroyed.

“More than 2.5 million children in Honduras are committed to education”, said Wilmer Vázquez, activist for Honduran children’s rights.

“It’s a very desperate situation. Many families lose everything and the sanitary risks of the pandemic are summed up “, dijo a Univision Aracely Ramos, manager of Comunicación de la Cruz Roja hondureña.

Various organizations will launch an alert in November to recover international aid. It is announced that 90 million dollars will be needed to help the most needy and the needy.

But the organizations ensure that it is not enough. “Only 29% of the aid required is paid”, Caredda’s statement.

“The desperation of these families feeds the snowball that ends in the caravan,” said Bartolo Fuentes, a pro-migration activist and federal spokesman in Honduras.

For women who are monitoring the situation, there is an actual risk factor for women planning to travel in new caravans: this desperation is leading migrants to take the truck on a more dangerous route, which is known in Honduras as “the route of the point ciegos “.

The sharp points

Traditionally, the caravans of saline migrants from Honduras pass through the zones of Corinth and Aguas Calientes, on the northern front with Guatemala. This route has huge routes, although there are more tourist and transit, there are four cases of migrants and the possibility of receiving help, explained Fuentes.

In recent months, it has recruited police intervention to repatriate migrants, from Honduras to Mexico, with the presence of effective miles from the Mexican National Guard and Guatemalan authorities. This has been the search for new routes.

The caravan that crosses the 15th of January is located on the crossroads of Guatemala on the frontier zone of El Florida, more than 80 kilometers south of Corinth. Según Caredda, El Florido has never been used in a caravan before.

“It’s a more fun route. Small groups also pass through other key points,” Caredda explained.

The minor transit routes are known as the highest points due to their very small population, with no migrant homes or no monitoring organizations in transit. With them, there are more than a dozen other expats who own pandillas asalten, caigan en manos de traficantes de persona o los obliguen a convertees in sicarios oa las mujeres, en prostitutas.

“More than 8 million Hondurans are missing in this migration route. On the other side of the road, if they are dead, there is a crime of no cost”, dijo Fuentes.

Explained that the caravan is a mechanism that saves lives and protects the migrant from bad resources. “Del lado donde cruzaron ahora no hay nadie. Es un buena ruta para los coyotes, pero muy peligrosa para migrantes sin dinero, como los que se integran a las caravanas”, dijo el activista.

A snowball

“We interviewed a man who was safe and had repatriated us several times. He wanted to follow his intention,” said Caredda. “These people do not have to steal, do not have a house, do not belong. The only thing they can do is organize to sell new”.

Others in the country, like Fuentes, consider that some integral part of the caravans pursue an objective: make the caravan a phrase, to show off as a political control log of the governing Honduran. “Some organizers are returning the caravan from the front, making them travel in conditions that are even worse”, says the politician.

Under these conditions, affirmative, it is that the medians at the San Pedro Sula bus station, the truck driver and the obligation to drive many kilometers each day. “There are no families that can add to this rhythm,” said the opponent.

For Fuentes, the administration of Juan Orlando Hernández wanted to warn of the accusations made by so-called drug traffickers that he had met in the last few weeks in a United States court.

El hermano del presidente fue hallado skuldig die narcotráfico. On January 8, New York taxpayers will present a document accusing a “conspirator” of having a person who has no name to identify as president in whom condoned. The Honduras press, in a unanimous manner, said that Hernandez was treated as having no formal charge of any cargo in the United States.

“The president is making points for the Americans to do: efficient soy, considerate. And the migrant poor are paying for the pathos,” said Fuentes.

More about this pre-electoral climate or the political speculations, the current crisis has accelerated migration to miles of people, considered Ramos, the voice of the Red Cross.

“The difference between previous years when only a single member of a family lives, now there are some complete family members. In my experience, I have never seen a situation like this,” said Ramos.

Honduras as a route of narcotics
