New California EDD problem could leave some without benefits for 2.5 months

Californians whose unemployment benefits expired late last year before a federal cut will now have to wait until March before they can even apply to extend it, state officials told lawmakers Friday.

Although the federal government extended the benefits on Dec. 27, just one day after it expired, the California Department of Employment said an issue of programming prevents it from being reinstated immediately for people whose benefits expire before Dec. 26. . next week emails, text messages and emails to notify people affected that they need to certify for benefits from 7 March.

“I’m just shocked,” said State Senator Josh Becker, D-Menlo Park. ‘Many people will just get a letter out of the blue:’ We can only process you on 7 March. ‘Californians rely on food and shelter benefits, and now this group will have to wait (at least) two and a half months. ”

The revelation is the latest in a series of flawed errors at EDD, which has struggled to pay claims to an unprecedented surge of people made unemployed during the pandemic, leaving at least $ 11 billion and possibly up to $ 30 billion to fraudsters lost. On Thursday, state lawmakers proposed a series of bills to reform the troubled agency.
