‘Never say that a party will take place when Felipe Caicedo is in the cane’ | Ecuatorianos en el Buitenkant | Deport

(VIDEO) Press from Italy praises the Ecuadorian delirium by concluding a new goal scored in the final minutes.

La leyenda se agranda porque los milagros futboleros no dejan de ocurrir. The agonists received their congratulations and celebrated effusively by the Hinchas de la Lazio, from the ranks of the Olympic Stadium or from there they meet the teams of his team in these times of pandemic. But he also praised the players of the Roman club and the technician Simone Inzaghi. They know that when everything appears the ecuadorian Felipe Caicedo enter the cancha, from the top, and with a salvador goal every minute, converte a derrota en igualdad, o un empate en victoria.

A new chapter of a hecho recurring on Saturday, by issue number 29 of Serie A of the Italian tournament. For the 73 minutes Salio Ciro Immobile went and occupied the three-color area. And in the 89th, another annotation in the now called Zona Caicedo (the Zona Cesarini denomination, used in Italy to make allusions to the marching tantes about the final of the parties is archived) to give the angst trio 2-1 to Lazio so Spezia .

‘I always have mercy’

“If Lazio wins in the final minutes, the merit is always there: Felipe Caicedo. The Blancocelestes won 2-1 in Special penalty kicks scored in the 89th minute by the Ecuadorian delinquency, which was confirmed as decisive “, commented the periodical La Repubblica.

Ese rotativo agregó: “Decide the usual Caicedo. But there are no days when it is (a party) when Caicedo is in the can. The Ecuadorian delirium is present at minute 89 through a manhole of Marchizza. El Panterone batty with Jeroen Zoet (Archaeologist of Spezia), who also gave Lazio three points of gold. The final is in vivid red. The capital club is in full swing of (classification to the) Champions (of 2022) ”.

También fue Felipao the exclusive figure in the reviews of Sports Courier. This diary relates: “Zona Caicedo, una vez más, para lanzar a los de Inzaghi en pos de la Champions: tres pointos pointisimos obtenidos ante una Gran Spezia, debutante dififikel que se rindio solo al finale”.

And the result of the guayaquileo result: “The octave goal of Caicedo vale oro. Verdadero oro, because the Lazio is in the career of the Champions League with all the courage and the organ of women do not want to lose “.

‘In silence’

Sports Courier contrasts Caicedo’s transcendence with its lamentable condition of supremacy in Lazio. “Even goals for a third of his time, including 28 since that leg, always by Ciro Immobile, in silence and with maximum dedication to the cause. If it is necessary, it is listed: and 7 goals, aggregate the Saturday, markets from the 89th minute, obviously all decisive and, on the other hand, beautiful, in addition to important ”.

And added the novel novel: “Sin embargo, a pesar de los números de Felipao, Lazio invested 20 million euros for another delinquency: Muriqi, who was bribed in the bank before the Species. Sigue siendo un verdadero mysterio (…), pero Simone Inzaghi sabe que cuando se da vuelta (hacia el banco de suplentes) se encontrará con la Pantera: gol habitual en el era de Caicedo ”.

Il Messaggero dijo: “We will wait for the final. From the goal of Caicedo that he scored in minute 89. Free from the penalty spot, the equator from the three points to Lazio, which followed the finish of the Champions League ”.

Y la Gazzetta dello Sport, from Milan: “Caicedo wanted to give Lazio a go with his octave goal in the league. One more week the Ecuadorian was decisive in the final of the match. Newly it is Caicedo who makes the chestnuts of the fugue ”. (D)
