Netflix dice needed to run that program latin luego de una auditoría internan de diversidad

New York (CNN Business) – Netflix has progressively increasing diverse content created and protagonized by women, blacks and Asians on its platform in recent years, through the transmission service and its studio has not yet had the same existence with a recent representation of Latin, study that loaded.

The Netflix Diversity Auditorium was launched this year by the USC Inclusion Initiative, a group of entertainment industry diversity experts, that will be able to share its benefits. Investigators are examining 126 original Netflix videos and 180 series with original releases released in the year 2018 through December 2019.

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The demographic analysis revealed that only 4.5% of the main members of the Elenco performed to Latin actors and filmmakers during this period of two years, compared to the fact that Latinos represent approximately 18% of the EE population. UU.

The percentage of members of the main black market on Netflix increased 22.7% in 2019, up from 16.2% in 2018. Around 13% of United States is black. Asians, who account for approximately 6% of United States, and approximately 7% of Netflix’s main members in 2018 and 2019.

Women of all races, representing an average of 51% of the United States, represent 52% of the protagonists and co-protagonists in the Netflix movies and series during the two-year period. Investigators also say that Netflix needs more content centered on Native Americans, members of the LGBTQ community + and people with disabilities.

Have Latin people directing or protagonizing programs on Netflix

The school principal, Stacy L. Smith, says that Netflix “is doing pretty well” when it comes to major papers for women and the majority of people of color. With the help of the transmission service, and Hollywood in general, there is a big problem with the number of games and programs that have been shown and protagonized by Latinos, which the investigators have determined to buy more cinemas to cover any other demographic group. EE. UU.

In 2018, the later composition of 23% has the burden of the US sales and the Estados Unidos, the film association of America. The collective purchasing power of the Latvian stadium residents has raised US $ 1.3 billion in 2015 and is projected to reach US $ 1.9 billion in 2023 before the covid-19 pandemic, according to Nielsen.

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“The industry is in the thick of Latin representation,” Smith told CNN Business. “We hope that numbers like this will really help a community move.”

Netflix dijo esta semana que necesita dar luz verde a más contenido latinx original. The studio recently contracted Sony executives, Alexander Zahn, to manage its Independent cinema team and elect Jennifer Lopez to interpret an assignment in a new movie called “The Mother”.

The star of “Ugly Betty”, América Ferrera, also made her debut as a director in a new series of Netflix called “I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter”, based on the novel by author Erika Sánchez, ‘n topverkoper.

“Deberían will be doing business with ours and other studios that help in this space,” said Netflix Cine Global Vice President Scott Stuber about the signing of Latin American talent during a virtual symposium on youth. “It’s important for us to share with the people of this community to tell stories, but also to help build bridges. It’s something that we are working on as a company ».

Falta también liderazgo ejecutivo latino

The executive of Hollywood Jaime Dávila Jr founded Campanario in 2014 to help out more Latin actors and filmmakers. The producer of the Bravo cadena, of 36 years, who worked hard in the high management of Univisión y Televisa, said that the failure of Latinos in the executive leadership in the main studies and the erroneous concepts about the Latin audiences are the culprits of the Latin American television programs and programs in English.

“A menudo, debido a que hablamos español, dicen, ‘Oh, consigamos nuestra edisie en español sobre eso’ ‘, dijo Dávila’ n CNN-onderneming. “My objective is that Hollywood is desperate. They showed that they have a large audience. What are you waiting for? ».

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Dávila’s studio has produced and sold various programs that excel at the main studios, including Netlfix and ABC, owned by Disney. Netflix consists of Campanario’s Selena: The Series.

Tanto Smith as Dávila dijeron that Hollywood needs to contract more Latin American executives.

“No hay is very productive and directs latinos and estos medios”, says Dávila. “There are incredible stories that can be told by our community. Geen estoy haciendo algo loco o secreto nie. Solo estoy cubriendo el mundo ».
