Need for speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered adds live editor and on-console performance enhancements

Need for speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered was a capable update when it arrived last year, but it lacked a few options for players looking for their own twist on the stylish collection of cars. This is being fixed in a major update as a live editor is added to the game, along with some performance upgrades this week.

With the new wrap editor, players can create elaborate designs and custom deliveries for any of their cars, and function in the same way as the customization options of Need for Speed ​​Heat according to EA. To use it, select a car and next to the color picker you will see two more symbols. The wrap editor has a limit of 300 stickers or 100 MB, depending on the threshold first reached, and these creations can be seen in online racing, including in cross-country.

EA says that personal packaging is only personal and that it cannot be shared between players. If you do not feel too creative, a second option in the form of pre-made packaging can browse you through a variety of designs and apply it quickly to your vehicle of choice.

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Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered has also received a performance upgrade on PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X, as the game will now run at an unlimited 50+ frames per second and 4K resolution. On PS5 and Xbox Series X, users can expect the game to run at 4K and 60 fps.

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Several bugs were also addressed in the update, which also fixes several visual issues and provides better stability in general.

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered Patch 2 Notes


  • Overall improvements in stability and optimization of memory consumption
  • Fixed an issue where the game could crash during the “Protect and Wander” event when the menu was entered during a collision and restarted
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to the title crash when too much autologous data from the server was detected, for example by having many friends who ran the same tracks as you.

Front porch

  • When you switch from Interceptor to another game mode, the foyer no longer needs to be closed for two players
  • Cars should no longer spawn on each other during the most prestigious events for multiplayer


  • The real PSN icon is now displayed in the backup menu
  • Fixed an issue where not all player positions were displayed in a full lobby during a multiplayer Most Wanted event
  • The position of a floating grass in front of the Seacrest Tiki Motel corrected
  • Fixed a damaged framework that would appear during the Sand Timer race event
  • VoIP settings work more reliably and the VoIP icons are displayed correctly
  • If you are unlocking a specific event, the right movie should play now
  • Fixed a few instances to better align UI elements

Sony PlayStation

  • To join a friend via ‘Join’ must now work as intended

Microsoft Xbox

  • Fixed an issue where the title could crash when the controller switched when the Xbox menu was open

Nintendo Switch

  • This is a rare opportunity solved where players can get stuck in the transition from the lobby screen to the race


  • Optimized autologous reporting functionality

EA is on the verge of becoming a bigger name in the racing competition genre than ever before. With the acquisition of Codemasters now officially completed, the publisher has access to racing franchises such as Dirt, Grid and the annual F1 series. As for the Need for Speed ​​series, the development of the next game is again in the hands of Burnout developer Criterion Games, while Ghost Games is going to be EA Gothenburg again.

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Speel nou: Behoefte aan spoed: Hot Pursuit Remastered PC-spel

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