NBA LeBron James caught up with the James Harden and his purity in Brooklyn Nets and Twitter

The world of the NBA sigue despertando y no lo puede creer: James Harden to the Brooklyn Nets! Y como no si se formo un ‘Big three’ compensated with ‘La Barba’, Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving… The bomb exploded and went to the stars of the star of Los Angeles Lakers, LeBron James.

In the wake of the Lakers’ communication media, LeBron was the first reaction from the Harden League and an indifferent few, not the day of much importance to the bomb that revolutionized the timing of the NBA. ‘El Rey’ only is focused on what happens to the Lakers.

“There is not much reaction, the exchanges take place all the years. My focus is on what we do (the Lakers) continue to do for the better. The exchange rate is high (Wednesday), but I can not allow myself to think about it because I have a team (…) Debo estar enfocado a mi 100 por ciento ”, afirmó LeBron James.

Hasta ahí, do normally … ‘El Rey’ was very diplomatic and had an indifferent touch, but the epic reaction of LeBron was still to come. On Twitter, a video of an imitation of James was released when the animal announced that Harden was going to the Nets and the response of the star of the Lakers to the death.

LeBron James’ response to James Harden’s statement to Brooklyn Nets

“Soy 36 !!!!! Soy 36 !!!! Deja de lanzar la pelota ”, written by LeBron James and Twitter commented on a video of his imitation in what ‘explored’ because have 36 years and the Brooklyn Nets will be able to form a super team with James Harden, Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant.
