NBA Kevin Durant Injured In The Golden State Warriors vs. Brooklyn Nets Game

When it comes to everything you are looking for Brooklyn Nette empezará una racha ganadora en la temporada 2020-21 de la NBA, an unexpected note about Kevin Durant if you want to know the law of victory against Golden State Warriors.

More info Malika Andrews, from ESPN, During Sufrió a distension in the tendon of the curved izquierdo which was detected after defeating Victoria by 134 to 118 over the Warriors. Although the inability to do so is known, there is a minimum of games that are lost.

Andrew’s Mis informs that Durant at least will lose the games due to the injury suffered by Golden State Warriors. We record that the star of the Nets is the venom of losing three NBA encounters by the league protocols for the coronavirus.

In a big act of the Brooklyn Nets, all the stealthy players end up with double digit points, Durant’s despachó with 20 units, 5 rebates and 6 aspects and 33 minutes of youth that work against his team, the Warriors.

Kevin Durant selected most of the Golden State Warriors

“I feel good that all of us are playing sano. It’s good to be here, I love the time I played in Bahia (Golden State), I love my team (the Warriors) ”, dijo Kevin Durant about the first game against his team at the Chase Center, San Francisco.
