NBA James Harden played Brooklyn Nets vs. Orlando Magic for the first time

Geen hubo que esperar mucho porque los mismos nie Brooklyn Nette lo confirm maron. Following the information from the franchise to Malika Andrews, of ESPN, James Harden to find available to debut this Saturday against the Orlando Magic in the NBA’s new super team.

The game between Nets and Magic will be debated this Saturday, January 16th at 6:00 PM ET, as well as Brooklyn querians ‘Big three’, solo estarían en cancha dos de las tres estrellas porque Kyrie Irving will lose the sixth game of the season for personal reasons.

The first information Andrews has published about Harden’s debut on the Nets has revealed the presence of ‘La Barba’ in the game against Orlando Magic because not all the players involved in the exchange have presented the medical tests in its respective teams.

As a matter of fact, the requirements are complete and as the name Steve Nash says, there will be James Harden available to debut on the Brooklyn Nets. Entonces, salvo alguna gran surpresa, at 18:00 ET from this Saturday ‘La Barba’ tendered his estrangement next to Kevin Durant and company.

The double star of the volley related to the NBA

In an initiative of the NBA to capture more than the fanatics of the Spanish language, the double star of the related relationship to join to transmit the ‘Partido de la Semana’ of the NBA League Pass. Álvaro Martín and Carlos ‘El Coach’ Morales will debut this season broadcast in Spain the debut of James Harden and Brooklyn Nets vs. Orlando Magic.
