Nayib Bukele, the millennial who dominates the powders in El Salvador

San Salvador.

Nayib Bukele, the joven president who gave the domingo the grace draw at bipartisanism arraigado off El Salvador for three decades, dominated by Mayo el Congress through a mayor aliada to impulse in management.

A sus 39 years old, is the empress of the millennial generation logró with an intense campaign elections hacia las Domestic Legislative Elections draw the new vote of the salvadoreños to drop the “los always of “”.

Rated by some as we go to the people, pero criticized for her authoritative matices, la popularity of Bukele increased by its management pandemic, según analyst.

Since the inauguration of the presidency in 2019, Bukele catapulted his image through traces of them social networks. And in his management, have important announcements of his management via Twitter, and on the same platform responds to the critics of his adversaries.

“Leer el disgusto”

“It’s a young man going to a series that has the vision of learning the disgust of the population y generate an hope “, defined Bukele tras su victoria victoria María Ofelia Navarrete, exguerrillera dissident del Izquierdista Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN), hoy ministra de Desarrollo Local.

To be able to receive it on June 1, 2019, Bukele blidió hacer el acto junto a sus electores en la centric plaza Gerardo Barrios, rompiendo la tradition to realize the ceremony off recintos cerrados.

Junto a su esposa Gabriela Rodríguez -cwho has a hija, Layla- suele publish photos familiares that of intermediate son retuiteadas blof sus seguidores.

And choose an informal style: rarely use corbata and fish jeans, color vivid calculators, chamarra de cuero y gorra.

Bukele came to power with 37 years and was converted to the mandatario más joven of the history of El Salvador, de la mano de la Gran Alianza por la Unidad Nacional (Ghana, conservadora).

A time in the government, Bukele transform the movement New Ideas (NI) en political party and maintain the alliance with Ghana. Ambos obtuvieron la mayor of the votes in the legislative del domingo.

The virtue of Bukeland there is “no compromise with anyone political sector, not economic, not social “, and as of 2015 figures in the polls as “apotheotic phenomenon”, evaluation Francisco Zepeda, Director of the Centro Investigación de la Opinion Publica de la Universidad Tecnológica (UTEC).

Authority or authoritarianism?

Junto con la Policía, le hizo frente a la insecuridad ciudadana ya la pandillera activity of the seas, which he azotado to the country for decades.

He has used them Armored Forcess, so much for distributing foods during the pandemica, how to appear with tropas in the Opposition Parliament and press for the approval of a préstamo for one security plan.

“What is preoccupied is that in our first years of goberno de Nayib has demonstrated many situations that many have said they want: the lack of transparency, accusations of corruption, su audio vocabulary “, dijo Miguel Montenegro, Director of the Commission of Human Rights.

From the campaign for the presidency, popularize the phrase “Devuelvan lo robado”, directed to the politicians, and vociferada desde entonces por sus seguidores ante militantes de la Alianza Republana Nacionalista (Arena, derecha), que gobernó de 1989 en 2009.

Also direct your batteries against the goberno del FMLN, its share, in the power between 2009 and 2019, and now the culprit of the abandonment of the infrastructure of public address.

Died July 24, 1981, is the day of the failed emperor Armando Bukele, chemical chemistry and representative of the community of origen year-palestine, and Olga Ortez.

Derecho study in the Jesuit University of Central America (UCA) of San salvador, pero no graduation, and opted to work since 18 years on a company of his father.

Home on FMLN

Bukele initiates his political career with the FMLN, as he electorally oxygenates his campaigns in the Alcaldia of San Salvador, but the party has internally processed its very best process of “bruja” ‘n una concejal.

This incident occurred in eviction of the aggression in October 2017.

Vea: Bukele stops in El Salvador comics with his new party

La family Bukele sympathize with the principles of social justice that it FMLN enarbolaba en los años ochenta, cuando era guerrilla, y llegó a brindar refuge some of its leaders sing to the giants.

Follow the book “¿Quién es Nayib Bukele?“, from the periodical Geovani Galeas, a late 1987 the candidate to enter secretly in his house at the legendary guerrilla Schafik Handal, one of the five commanders of the FMLN.

Izquierda won the election andn 2012 how tolcalde de Nuevo Cuscatlán y le arrebató a la derecha la alcaldía dand San Salvador for the period 2015-2018.
